![]() |
. | ||
...之一 | ... zhī yī | one of... (49) |
A | ||
阿姨 | ā yí | auntie (39) |
爱 | ài | to love (45) |
B | ||
把 | bǎ | (a measure word) (47) (a preposition) (46) |
百 | bǎi | hundred (33) |
摆 | bǎi | to put, to lay (the table) (48) |
百货大楼 | Bǎi huò Dà lóu | The (Beijing) Department Store (36.p) |
拜年 | bài nián | pay a New Year call, wish somebody a Happy New Year (48) |
扳 | bān | to move, to take away (42.s) |
办公室 | bàn gōng shì | office (47.s) |
包 | bāo | to wrap, to make (dumplings) (46) |
包裹 | bāo guǒ | parcel (34.s) |
薄 | báo | thin (36) |
保持 | bǎo chí | to keep, to retain (40) |
爆竹 | bào zhú | firecracker (48) |
北边 | běi biān | north, northern part (38.s, 47) |
北海 | Běi hǎi | Behai Park (32.p) |
北京动物园 | Běi jīng Dòng wù yuán | the Beijing Zoo (45.p) |
北京语言学院 | Běi jīng Yǔ yán Xué yuàn | Beijing Languages Institute (31.p) |
被 | bèi | (a preposition) (49) |
本 | běn | this (one's own), native (34) |
本子 | běn zi | book, notebook (39) |
逼 | bī | to force, to compel (49) |
鼻子 | bí zi | nose (32) |
笔 | bǐ | (a measure word) (50) |
比较 | bǐ jiào | comparatively, quite, to compare (43) |
比赛 | bǐ sài | to compete, competition, match (40) |
毕业 | bì yè | to graduate (44.s) |
边 | biān | side, edge (44) |
遍 | biàn | (a measure word) (32) |
表 | biǎo | (wrist) watch (35) form (application form, etc.) (32) |
别的 | bié de | other, another (43) |
别人 | bié rén | other people, others (36.s) |
冰棍儿 | bīng gùn er | ice-lolly, ice-sucker (42) |
病 | bìng | to be ill, illness (32) |
病房 | bìng fáng | ward (of a hospital) (46) |
病人 | bìng rén | patient, invalid (46.s) |
不但...而且 | bú dàn ... ér qiě | not only ..., but also ... (49) |
布 | bù | cotton cloth (37) |
不好意思 | bù hǎo yì si | to feel embarrassed, to feel embarrassing (to do something) (39) |
布鞋 | bù xié | cloth shoes (37.s) |
不用 | bù yòng | there is no need to (31.s) |
C | ||
才 | cái | only just, not ... until... (41) |
彩旗 | cǎi qí | coloured flag (40) |
菜单 | cài dān | menu (43.s) |
操场 | cāo chǎng | sportsground (40) |
草 | cǎo | grass (44) |
茶馆 | chá guǎn | teahouse (49) |
茶壶 | chá hú | teapot (36) |
茶具 | chá jù | tea set, tea service (36) |
茶碗 | chá wǎn | teacup (36) |
长 | cháng | long (31) |
长城 | Cháng chéng | the Great Wall (32.p) |
长短 | cháng duǎn | length (37) |
长廊 | Cháng Láng | Long Corridor (44.p) |
车间 | chē jiān | workshop (39) |
陈毅 | Chén Yì | (name of a person) (33.p) |
成 | chéng | to become, to turn into (47) |
成功 | chéng gōng | to succeed (49) |
成绩 | chéng jī | result, achievement (35) |
尺 | chǐ | (a unit of length (=0.33 metre)) (42.s) |
崇祯 | Chóng zhēn | Emperor Chongzhen (41.p) |
绸子 | chóu zi | silk fabric (37) |
初 | chū | (a prefix) (48) |
出 | chū | to come out, to go out (41) |
出差 | chū chāi | to be away on official business, be on a business trip (44.s) |
出院 | chū yuàn | to leave hospital (47.s) |
出租汽车 | chū zū qì chē | taxi, cab (38.s) |
除了...以外 | chú le ... yǐ wài | besides, except (47) |
除夕 | chú xī | New Year's Eve (48.s) |
穿马路 | chuān mǎ lù | to cross (a street) (43) |
船 | chuán | boat (44) |
窗户 | chuāng hu | window (46) |
窗口 | chuāng kǒu | window (34) |
春节 | Chūn Jié | Spring Festival (48.p) |
春联 | chūn lián | Spring Festivel couplets, New Year scrolls (48) |
春天 | chūn tiān | spring (33.s, 39) |
瓷器 | cí qì | chinaware, porcelain (36) |
次 | cì | (a measure word), time (31) |
聪明 | cōng ming | intelligent, bright (39) |
存车处 | cún chē chù | parking lot (for bicycles) (43.s) |
错 | cuò | wrong (38) |
错误 | cuò wù | mistake (47.s) |
D | ||
达尼亚 | Dá ní yà | (name of a person) (44.p) |
打开 | dǎ kāi | to open (50) |
打破 | dǎ pò | to break (40) |
打拳 | dǎ quán | to do shadowboxing (40) |
打扫 | dǎ sǎo | to clean up (48) |
打针 | dǎ zhēn | to give or have an injection (46) |
大便 | dà biàn | stool, human excrement (46.s) |
大闹天宫 | Dà nào tiān gōng | "The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven" (32.p) |
大娘 | dà niáng | aunt (38) |
大声 | dà shēng | loud voice, (read, speak, etc.) loudly (34) |
大学 | dà xué | university, college (31) |
大爷 | dà ye | uncle (38) |
戴 | dài | to wear (e.g. cap, glasses, gloves) (45) |
带 | dài | to take (along), to bring (with) (38) |
袋 | dài | bag, sack (48.s) |
单 | dān | bill, list, form (34.s) |
但是 | dàn shì | but (39) |
当心 | dāng xīn | to take care, to look out (43.s) |
得病 | dé bìng | to fall ill, to contract a disease (32) |
地 | de | (a particle), -ly (34) |
灯 | dēng | lamp, light (34.s) lantern, lamp, light (48) |
灯节 | Dēng Jié | the Lantern Festival (15th of first month of the lunar calendar) (48.s) |
灯笼 | dēng long | lantern (48) |
第 | dì | (a prefix indicating order) (31) |
地方 | dì fang | place (32) |
地铁 | dì tiě | the underground, subway (38.s) |
典型 | diǎn xíng | typical, model (42) |
店 | diàn | shop, store (43) |
电报 | diàn bào | telegram, cable (34.s) |
电车 | diàn chē | trolleybus (38) |
吊 | diào | to hang (41) |
订 | dìng | to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.) (36.s) |
定作 | dìng zuò | to have something made to order (37) |
丢 | diū | to lose (41.s) |
东边 | dōng biān | east, eastern part (38) |
动 | dòng | to move (42) |
动物 | dòng wù | animal (45) |
动物园 | dòng wù yuán | zoo (45) |
豆腐 | dòu fu | bean curd (43) |
独唱 | dú chàng | solo, to solo (49.s) |
度 | dù | (a measure word), degree (C) (33.s) |
度假 | dù jià | to spend one's holidays (44.s) |
短 | duǎn | short (37) |
对 | duì | to, for (39) |
对不起 | duì bu qǐ | (I'm) sorry (41) |
对象 | duì xiàng | boy or girl friend (44.s) |
多么 | duō me | how, what (44) |
E | ||
饿 | è | to be hungry, hungry (43) |
儿子 | ér zi | son (48) |
耳朵 | ěr duo | ear (32) |
F | ||
发烧 | fā shāo | have a fever (46) |
发展 | fā zhǎn | to develop (36) |
饭馆 | fàn guǎn | restaurant (43) |
方便 | fāng biàn | convenient, to make it convenient for (42.s) |
方向 | fāng xiàng | direction (38) |
放 | fàng | to put, to place (34) |
放爆竹 | fàng bào zhú | to let off firecrackers (48) |
放假 | fàng jià | to have a holidy or vacation (35) |
非洲 | Fēi zhōu | Africa (45.p) |
肥 | féi | loose-fitting, fat (37) |
肺 | fèi | lungs (32) |
肺炎 | fèi yán | pneumonia (32) |
分 | fēn | (a measure word), (the smallest Chinese monetary unit) (36) |
封 | fēng | (a measure word) (34) |
风 | fēng | wind (33) |
丰富 | fēng fù | rich, abundant, to enrich (47) |
风景 | fēng jǐng | scenery, landscape (44) |
风俗 | fēng sú | custom (48.s) |
风味 | fēng wèi | local flavor, local style (43) |
服务 | fú wù | to serve (43) |
幅 | fǔ | (measure word for textile or picture) (44) |
阜成门 | Fù chéng mén | (name of a place in Beijing) (47.p) |
G | ||
改 | gǎi | to correct (47.s) |
盖儿 | gàir | cover, lid (42) |
肝 | gān | liver (32.s) |
干净 | gān jing | clean, neat and tidy (48) |
感动 | gǎn dòng | to move, to touch, moving (49) |
感冒 | gǎn mào | to catch cold, (common) cold (46) |
感想 | gǎn xiǎng | impressions, feeling (47) |
干 | gàn | to work, to do (42) |
刚 | gāng | just, only a short while ago (38) |
钢铁学院 | Gāng tiě Xué yuàn | The Beijing Iron and steel Engineering Institute (38.p) |
高 | gāo | tall (37) |
各 | gè | each, every, various, respectively (43) |
个子 | gè zi | height, stature, build (32.s) |
工地 | gōng dì | construction site (42) |
公分 | gōng fēn | (a measure word, centimetre) (37) |
公共 | gōng gòng | public (38) |
公共汽车 | gōng gòng qì chē | bus (38) |
恭贺新禧 | gōng hè xīn xǐ | Happy New Year (48) |
公斤 | gōng jīn | kilogram (kg.) (42.s) |
公园 | gōng yuán | park (33) |
勾 | gòu | enough, sufficient (43) |
古 | gǔ | ancient (33) |
鼓掌 | gǔ zhǎng | to applaud (40) |
故宫 | Gù gōng | the Imperial Palace (41.p) |
故居 | gù jū | former residence (47) |
顾客 | gù kè | customer (43) |
故事 | gù shì | story (38) |
顾问 | gù wèn | adviser (42) |
刮风 | guā fēng | to blow (said of wind) (33) |
挂 | guà | to hang, to put up (34) |
挂号 | guà hào | to register (a letter, etc.) (34) |
挂号证 | guà hào zhèng | register card (46.s) |
拐弯 | guǎi wān | to turn a corner (38) |
关 | guān | to close, to shut (39.s, 46) |
关心 | guān xīn | to care for, to be concerned with (39) |
观众 | guān zhòng | spectators, audience (40) |
广播 | guǎng bō | broadcast (40) |
广播室 | guǎng bō shì | broadcasting room (41.s) |
广播员 | guǎng bō yuán | radio (or wire-broadcasting) announcer (41.s) |
广场 | guǎng chǎng | square (41) |
广州 | Guǎng zhōu | (name of a city), Guangzhou (44.p) |
贵 | guì | expensive (36.s) |
柜台 | guì tái | counter (34) |
国际 | guó jì | international (31) |
过 | guò | (a particle) (32) to come over, to pass by (41) |
H | ||
海 | hǎi | sea (42.s, 50) |
寒假 | hán jià | winter vacation (35) |
喊 | hǎn | to shout (44) |
航空 | háng kōng | air (mail) (34) |
好吃 | hǎo chī | delicious, tasty (43) |
合唱 | hé chàng | chorus, to chorus (49.s) |
合适 | hé shì | suitable, fit (37) |
黑 | hēi | black (48) |
黑暗 | hēi àn | dark (49) |
红莲 | hóng lián | red lotus (50) |
红绿灯 | hóng lǜ dēng | (red and green) traffic light, traffic signal (38.s) |
红叶 | hóng yè | red autumnal leaves (of the maple, etc.) (33) |
厚 | hòu | thick (36.s) |
后来 | hòu lái | afterwards, later (45) |
壶 | hú | pot, (a measure word) (36) |
湖 | hú | lake (44) |
胡同 | hú tòng | lane, alley (38.s) |
护士 | hù shi | nurse (46.s) |
护照 | hù zhào | passport (31.s) |
花 | huā | to spend (money) (37) |
华表 | huá biǎo | marble pillar (ornamental column erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc.) (42) |
华侨 | huá qiáo | overseas Chinese (31) |
画 | huà | to paint (36) |
话 | huà | word, talk (31) |
话剧 | huà jù | spoken drama (49) |
画蛇添足 | huà shé tiān zú | (fig.) ruin the effect by adding what is superfluous (36.s) |
画展 | huà zhǎn | art exhibition (50) |
怀念 | huái niàn | to cherish the memory of, to think of (47) |
坏 | huài | (there is something) wrong with, out of order (39.s) bad (49) |
换 | huàn | to change (38) |
黄 | Huáng | (a surname) (48.p) |
皇帝 | huáng dì | emperor (41) |
画儿 | huàr | picture, painting (36) |
灰 | huī | grey (37) |
恢复 | huī fù | to recover (47.s) |
活 | huó | to live, alive, living (47) |
货 | huò | goods, commodity (36) |
活儿 | huór | work, job (42) |
J | ||
迹 | jī | trace, track, sign (33) |
激动 | jī dòng | excited (40) |
机会 | jī huì | chance, opportunity (35) |
极了 | jí le | extremely, exceedingly (40) |
挤 | jǐ | crowded, to squeeze (41) |
寄 | jì | to post, to mail (34) |
记 | jì | to remember, to bear in mind (39) |
记录 | jì lù | record (40) |
纪念 | jì niàn | to commemorate, commemoration (47.s) |
假期 | jià qī | vacation (35) |
价钱 | jià qián | price (36.s) |
间 | jiān | (a measure word) (47) |
检查 | jiǎn chá | to have a check-up, check-up, a physical examination (32) |
简朴 | jiǎn pǔ | simple and unadorned (47) |
建设 | jiàn shè | to build, to construct, construction (31) |
建筑 | jiàn zhù | building, to build, to construct (41) |
江西 | Jiāng xī | Jiangxi (name of a Chinese province) (36.p) |
讲 | jiǎng | to talk, to speak (38) |
讲解 | jiǎng jiě | to explain (47) |
讲解员 | jiǎng jiě yuán | guide (41.s, 47) |
奖状 | jiǎng zhuàng | certificate of merit (42) |
交 | jiāo | to pay (money) (37) |
脚 | jiǎo | foot (36.s, 41) |
饺子 | jiǎo zi | dumpling (46) |
叫 | jiào | (a preposition) (49) |
接 | jiē | to extend, to connect (47) |
街 | jiē | street (38.s) |
街道 | jiē dào | street (39) |
节 | jié | festival (48) |
节目 | jié mù | programme, item (49.s) |
节日 | jié rì | festival, holiday (48) |
解 | jiě | to relieve oneself (46.s) |
解放 | jiě fàng | to liberate (36) |
借 | jiè | to borrow, to lend (49) |
近 | jìn | near (44) |
景德镇 | Jǐng dé zhèn | Jingdezhen (name of a Chinese city) (36.p) |
景山 | Jǐng shān | (name of a hill in Jingshan park) (41.p) |
景山公园 | Jǐng shān Gōng yuán | (name of a park in Beijing) (41.p) |
镜头 | jìng tóu | camera lens (42) |
镜子 | jìng zi | mirror (44) |
句 | jù | (a measure word, for sentences or lines of verse) (39) |
剧场 | jù chǎng | theater (49) |
绝 | jué | to disappear, to vanish, absolutely (33) |
觉得 | jué de | to think, to feel (33) |
决定 | jué dìng | to decide, to make up one's mind, decision (44) |
K | ||
开花儿 | kāi huār | (of flowers) to open out, blossom (33) |
开会 | kāi huì | to hold or attend a meeting (31.s) |
开学 | kāi xué | school opens, new term begins (35) |
开演 | kāi yǎn | (of a play, movie, etc.) to begin (49.s) |
看病 | kàn bìng | to see (a doctor, etc.) (32) |
考 | kǎo | to test (35) |
考试 | kǎo shì | to test, examination (35) |
科 | kē | department of internal medicine (46.s) |
咳嗽 | ké sou | to cough (46) |
渴 | kě | thirsty (43.s) |
可爱 | kě ài | lovely (45) |
可能 | kě néng | may, probable, possible (46) |
可笑 | kě xiào | funny, ridiculous (45) ridiculous, laughable (42.s) |
客人 | kè ren | guest, visitor (39) |
块 | kuài | yuan, (a measure word), (a Chinese monetary unit, equal to 10 jiao or mao) (36) |
宽 | kuān | wide (42) |
昆明湖 | Kūn míng Hú | Kunming Lake (44.p) |
L | ||
拉 | lā | to play (string instruments) (31.s) |
蓝 | lán | blue (37) |
兰花 | lán huā | cymbidium, orchid (50) |
劳动 | láo dòng | to labor, to work (49) |
老 | lǎo | old, aged (31) |
老虎 | lǎo hǔ | tiger (47) |
老骥伏枥,志在千里 | lǎo jì fú lì, zhì zài qiān lǐ | still aspires to gallop a thousand li, (fig.) old people may still cherish high aspirations (39) |
姥姥 | lǎo lao | (maternal) grandmother, grandma (46) |
老舍 | Lǎo Shě | (name of a person) (49.p) |
累 | lèi | to feel tired (43) |
冷 | lěng | cold (33) |
礼堂 | lǐ táng | assembly hall, auditorium (42) |
礼物 | lǐ wù | gift, present (48) |
李自成 | Lǐ Zì chéng | (name of a person) (41.p) |
立 | lì | to stand, to erect (33) |
利害 | lì hai | serious, terrible (46) |
立刻 | lì kè | immediately, at once (46) |
丽丽 | Lì lì | name of panda (45.p) |
历史 | lì shǐ | history (36) |
利用 | lì yòng | to use, to make use of (35) |
连...也... | lián ... yě ... | even ... (49) |
量 | liáng | to measure (32) |
凉快 | liáng kuai | nice and cold, pleasantly cool (33.s) |
粮食 | liáng shi | grain, food (48.s) |
辆 | liàng | (a measure word for vehicles) (37) |
亮 | liàng | light, bright (43.s) |
了 | liǎo | to end up (42) |
料子 | liào zi | material (37.s) |
邻居 | lín jū | neighbor (39) |
临摹 | lín mó | to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.) (50) |
零 | líng | zero (36) |
零钱 | líng qián | change (said of money) (36.s) |
留 | liú | to remain, to ask somebody to stay (39) |
留言 | liú yán | to leave one's comments, to leave a message (47) |
留言簿 | liú yán bù | visitor's book (47) |
隆冬 | lóng dōng | midwinter, the depth of winter (33) |
路 | lù | road, way (31) |
路口 | lù kǒu | crossing, intersection (38.s) |
录音 | lù yīn | to record (sound, voice), recording (31.s) to record, recording (46) |
录音机 | lù yīn jī | (tape) recorder (46) |
旅馆 | lǚ guǎn | hotel (41.s) |
旅行 | lǚ xíng | to travel (44) |
绿灯 | lǜ dēng | green light (43.s) |
骆驼祥子 | Luò tuo xiáng zi | name of a novel (49.p) |
M | ||
麻烦 | má fan | to bother, to put somebody to trouble, trouble, troublesome (48) |
马 | mǎ | horse (38) |
马路 | mǎ lù | road, street (38) |
卖 | mài | to sell (49) |
毛 | máo | jiao, (a measure word), (a Chinese monetary unit, equal to 10 fen) (36) |
毛衣 | máo yī | (wollen) sweater (37.s) |
毛主席 | Máo Zhǔ xí | Chairman Mao (42.p) |
贸易 | mào yì | trade (44) |
没关系 | méi guān xi | it doesn't matter (41) |
梅花 | méi huā | plum blossom (33) |
美 | měi | beautiful (41) |
美国 | Měi guó | the United States (of America) (31.p) |
门口 | mén kǒu | doorway, entrance (41) |
米 | mǐ | (measure word), metre (37) |
棉袄 | mián ǎo | cotton-padded jacket (37) |
面儿 | miànr | cover, outside (37) |
秒 | miǎo | (a measure word), second (40) |
民乐 | mín yuè | music, esp. folk music, for traditional instruments (49.s) |
名 | míng | (a measure word for people), place (e.g. among winners) (40) |
明信片 | míng xìn piàn | postcard (34) |
摩托车 | mó tuō chē | motorcycle (41.s) |
墨镜 | mò jìng | sunglasses (45) |
母亲 | mǔ qin | mother (44) |
N | ||
拿 | ná | to get, to take (32) |
南边 | nán biān | south, southern part (38) |
南京 | Nán jīng | Nanjing (city) (34.p) |
南亚 | Nán Yà | South Asia (45.p) |
南辕北辙 | nán yuán běi zhé | (fig.) act in a way that defeats one's purpose (38.s) |
男子 | nán zǐ | man (40) |
内科 | nèi kē | medical department (32) |
年 | nián | year (48) |
年画儿 | nián huàr | New Year (or Spring Festival) picture (48) |
年夜饭 | nián yè fàn | New Year's Eve family dinner (48.s) |
牛马 | niú mǎ | oxen and horses, beasts of burden (47.s) |
牛奶 | niú nǎi | milk (43) |
女高音 | nǚ gāo yīn | soprano (49.s) |
暖和 | nuǎn huó | warm, nice and warm (33.s) |
P | ||
爬 | pá | to climb (44) |
怕 | pà | to be afraid, to fear (33) |
排队 | pái duì | to line up (38) |
牌子 | pái zi | sign, plate (34) |
彷徨 | Páng huáng | (name of a collection of short stories) (47.p) |
胖 | pàng | fat, stout, plump (37.s) |
跑 | pǎo | to run (38) |
培养 | péi yǎng | to foster, to bring up (47) |
篇 | piān | (a measure word) (47) |
片 | piān | (a measure word), tablets (46.s) |
便宜 | pián yi | cheap (36) |
平安里 | Píng ān lǐ | (name of a street in Beijing) (38.p) |
平方米 | píng fāng mǐ | square metre (42.s) |
平信 | píng xìn | ordinary mail (34.s) |
Q | ||
骑 | qí | to ride (a bicycle) (37) |
齐白石 | Qí Bái shí | Qi Bai Shi (name of a person) (36.p) |
奇怪 | qí guài | surprised, strange (35) |
旗袍 | qí páo | Chinese-style frock (37.s) |
旗子 | qí zi | flag, banner (40) |
汽车 | qì chē | automobile, car (38) |
千 | qiān | thousand (42) |
钱 | qián | money (35) |
墙 | qiáng | wall (34) |
敲 | qiāo | to knock (at a door) (33) |
桥 | qiáo | bridge (44) |
亲爱 | qīn ài | dear (48) |
亲切 | qīn qiè | cordial, kind (43) |
青 | qīng | green (44) |
清楚 | qīng chu | clear (41) |
青年 | qīng nián | youth (47) |
晴 | qíng | (of weather) fine, bright, clear (33) |
情况 | qíng kuàng | condition, situation, state of affairs (35) |
屈服 | qū fú | to surrender, to yield (33) |
全 | quán | whole (48) |
群众 | qún zhòng | mass, people (47.s) |
R | ||
让 | ràng | (a preposition) (49) |
热 | rè | hot (33) |
热烈 | rè liè | warm, enthusiastic (40) |
人民大会堂 | Rén mín Dà huì táng | Great Hall of the People (42.p) |
人民英雄纪念碑 | Rén mín Yīng xióng Jì niàn bēi | Monument to the People's Heroes (42.p) |
人物 | rén wù | figure, characters (in a play, novel, etc.) (44) |
日记 | rì jì | diary (49) |
S | ||
三国演义 | Sān guó yǎn yì | (name of a novel), "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (44.p) |
三里河 | Sān lǐ hé | (name of a street in Beijing) (38.p) |
三里屯 | Sān lǐ tún | (name of a street in Beijing) (38.p) |
扫 | sǎo | to sweep (48) |
杀 | shā | to kill (49) |
山 | shān | hill, mountain (41) |
上次 | shàng cì | last (time), a previous (occasion) (37) |
上海 | Shàng hǎi | Shanghai (31.p) |
社会 | shè huì | society (49) |
社会主义 | shè huì zhǔ yì | socialism (31) |
设计 | shè jì | to design (47) |
生 | shēng | to be born (44.s) |
生产 | shēng chǎn | to produce, to manufacture (36) |
生活 | shēng huó | life, to live (47) to live, life (44.s) |
生命 | shēng mìng | life (32) |
圣诞节 | Shèng dàn Jié | Christmas Day (48.p) |
诗 | shī | poem, poetry, verse (33) |
师傅 | shī fu | master worker (43) master, a qualified worker (39.s) |
狮子 | shī zi | lion (42) |
时间 | shí jiān | (the duration of) time, (a point of) time (31) |
石头 | shí tou | stone, rock (42) |
实现 | shí xiàn | to realize, to achieve (31) |
使者 | shǐ zhě | emissary, envoy (45) |
市 | shì | city (34) |
世界 | shì jiè | the world (50) |
逝世 | shì shì | to pass away (50) |
收 | shōu | to receive (34) |
收据 | shōu jù | receipt (34.s) |
收拾 | shōu shi | to put in order, to tidy up (48) |
收音机 | shōu yīn jī | radio (34.s) |
手 | shǒu | hand (39.s, 46) |
首 | shǒu | (a measure word (for poem)) (33) |
首都 | shǒu dū | capital of a country (31) |
首都国际机场 | Shǒu dū Guó jì Jī chǎng | the Capital International Airport, Beijing (31.p) |
首都剧场 | Shǒu dū Jù chǎng | the Capital Theatre (49.p) |
手续 | shǒu xù | formalities (31) |
瘦 | shòu | tight, thin, lean (37) |
售货员 | shòu huò yuán | shop assistant (36) |
售票处 | shòu piào chù | ticket office, booking office (41.s) |
售票员 | shòu piào yuán | ticket seller, conductor (38) |
舒服 | shū fu | comfortable, well (46) |
书架 | shū jià | bookshelf (39.s) |
叔叔 | shū shu | father's younger brother, uncle (39) |
暑假 | shǔ jià | summer vacation (35) |
树 | shù | tree (33) |
说明书 | shuō míng shū | synopsis (of a play or film) (49.s) |
司机 | sī jī | driver (41) |
死 | sǐ | to die (41) |
虽然 | suī rán | though, although (39) |
岁数 | suì shu | age (42) |
T | ||
它 | tā | it (44) |
它们 | tā men | they (refers to things, animals only) (45) |
塔 | tǎ | pagoda (44) |
太极拳 | tài jí quán | (a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing) (40) |
太阳 | tài yang | the sun (44) |
探亲 | tàn qīn | to go home to visit one's family (44.s) |
糖 | táng | sugar (43) |
唐山 | Táng shān | Tangshan (name of a Chinese city) (36.p) |
躺 | tǎng | to lie (46) |
套 | tào | (a measure word), set (36) |
疼 | téng | ache, pain, sore (46) |
藤野 | Téng yě | name of a person (47.p) |
提 | tí | to suggest, to put forward (43) |
提高 | tí gāo | to increase, to raise (36) |
体温 | tǐ wēn | (body) temperature (46) |
天 | tiān | heaven (44) |
天安门 | Tiān ān mén | Tiananmen (Gate of Heavenly peace) (34.p) |
天安门广场 | Tiān ān mén Guǎng chǎng | Tiananmen square (41.p) |
天气 | tiān qì | weather (31) |
填 | tián | to fill (32.s) |
条子 | tiáo zi | a short note, a slip of paper (39.s) |
跳 | tiào | to jump (44) |
贴 | tiē | to paste (48) |
听说 | tīng shuō | it is said that (41) |
亭子 | tíng zi | pavilion (41) |
挺立 | tǐng lì | to stand erect, to stand upright (50) |
同志 | tóng zhì | comrade (31) |
头 | tóu | head (45) |
头发 | tóu fa | hair (on the human head) (32.s) |
透视 | tòu shì | to examine by fluoroscope, to take X-ray examination (32) |
图片 | tú piàn | picture, photograph (34) |
兔子 | tù zi | hare, rabbit (48) |
团聚 | tuán jù | to reunite, to have a reunion (48) |
推 | tuī | to push (43.s) |
腿 | tuǐ | leg (45) |
退休 | tuì xiū | to retire (39) |
W | ||
袜子 | wà zi | socks, stockings (37.s) |
外国 | wài guó | foreign country (45) |
豌豆赵 | Wān dòu Zhào | (Name of person) (43.p) |
豌豆粥 | wān dòu zhōu | pea gruel (43) |
完 | wán | to finish, to be over (39) |
完成 | wán chéng | to complete, to finish (42) |
碗 | wǎn | bowl, (a measure word, bowl) (36) |
万 | wàn | ten thousand (42) |
万寿山 | Wàn shòu Shān | (name of a place), Longevity Hill (44.p) |
往 | wǎng | to go (to a place) (38) |
往 | wàng | toward, (train) bound for (38) |
微笑 | wēi xiào | to smile (50) |
尾巴 | wěi ba | tail (47) |
伟大 | wěi dà | great (47) |
胃 | wèi | stomach (32.s) |
为什么 | wèi shén me | why (34) |
文学家 | wén xué jiā | writer, man of letters (47) |
文章 | wén zhāng | writings (47) |
屋子 | wū zi | room (48) |
舞蹈 | wǔ dǎo | dance (49.s) |
雾 | wù | fog, mist (33.s) |
X | ||
西边 | xī biān | west, western part (38.s, 41) |
西三条 | Xī sān tiáo | (name of a place in Beijing) (47.p) |
希望 | xī wàng | to hope, to wish, hope, wish (31) |
吸引 | xī yǐn | to attract, to draw (49) |
西装 | xī zhuāng | (Western-style) suit (37.s) |
习惯 | xí guàn | to be used to, to be accustomed to, habit, custom (33.s) |
洗 | xǐ | to wash (41) |
洗照片 | xǐ zhào piàn | to develop (a film) (42) |
下 | xià | to get off (bus, etc.) (38) |
下边 | xià biān | below, under, underneath (34) |
夏历 | xià lì | the traditional Chinese calendar (48.s) |
下星期 | xià xīng qī | next week (37) |
下雨 | xià yǔ | to rain (33) |
先 | xiān | first (32) |
现代化 | xiàn dài huà | modernization (31) |
香山 | Xiāng shān | Fragrance Hill (Park) (33.p) |
象 | xiàng | elephant (45) |
向导 | xiàng dǎo | guide (41) |
小吃 | xiǎo chī | snack, refreshments (43) |
小吃店 | xiǎo chī diàn | snack bar, lunch room (43) |
小冬 | Xiǎo dōng | (name of a child) (42.p) |
小红 | Xiǎo hóng | (name of a child) (42.p) |
小兰 | Xiǎo lán | (name of a person) (39.p) |
小声 | xiǎo shēng | in a low voice, (speak) in whispers (46) |
小时 | xiǎo shí | hour (31) |
小说 | xiǎo shuō | novel, short story (41) |
小提琴 | xiǎo tí qín | violin (31.s) |
辛苦 | xīn kǔ | hard, exhausting, with much toil (31) |
新年 | xīn nián | New Year (48) |
心脏 | xīn zàng | heart (32) |
信封 | xìn fēng | envelope (34) |
信箱 | xìn xiāng | post-office box (P.O.B), letter box, mail box (34.s) |
姓名 | xìng míng | full name, surname and given name (34) |
杏仁 | xìng rén | almond (43) |
杏仁豆腐 | xìng rén dòu fu | almond junket (43) |
熊猫 | xióng māo | panda (45) |
熊猫馆 | xióng māo guǎn | panda exhibition hall (45) |
修 | xiū | to build (road, etc) (38) |
修建 | xiū jiàn | to build, to construct (42) |
选举 | xuǎn jǔ | to elect (39) |
学期 | xué qī | term, semester (35) |
学校 | xué xiào | school (31) |
雪 | xuě | snow (33) |
血 | xuè | blood (32) |
血压 | xuè yā | blood pressure (32) |
Y | ||
亚洲 | Yà zhōu | Asia (45.p) |
颜色 | yán sè | colour (37) |
演 | yǎn | to perform, to play, to act (49) |
演出 | yǎn chū | performance, show, to perform, to put on a show (49) |
眼睛 | yǎn jīng | eye (32) |
演员 | yǎn yuán | actor or actress, performer (49.s) |
阳阳 | Yáng yang | (name of child) (48.p) |
样子 | yàng zi | manner, air, looks (45) |
药 | yào | medicine (46) |
要不 | yào bu | or, or else, otherwise (37) |
药方 | yào fāng | prescription (46.s) |
药剂士 | yào jì shì | druggist, pharmacist (46.s) |
要是 | yào shì | if (41) |
爷爷 | yé ye | grandpa (42) |
野草 | Yě cǎo | (name of a collection of prose poems) (47.p) |
页 | yè | page, (a measure word, page) (50) |
叶子 | yè zi | leaf (33) |
一...就... | yī ... jiù ... | no sooner ... than ..., as soon as (39) |
衣服 | yī fu | clothes, clothing (37) |
衣柜 | yī guì | wardrobe (39.s) |
医务所 | yī wù suǒ | clinic (32) |
医院 | yī yuàn | hospital (46) |
遗产 | yí chǎn | heritage (47) |
一共 | yí gòng | altogether, in all (36) |
颐和园 | Yí hé yuán | Summer Palace (33.p) |
一会儿 | yí huìr | a little while (41) a little while, in a moment (31.s) |
一样 | yí yàng | same, identical (37) |
已经 | yǐ jīng | already (31) |
以前 | yǐ qián | before, in the past (32) |
意见 | yì jiàn | criticism, comments or suggestions (43) |
艺术 | yì shù | art (42) |
艺术家 | yì shù jiā | artist (49) |
意思 | yì sī | meaning (39) |
阴天 | yīn tiān | cloudy day, overcast sky (33.s) |
因为 | yīn wei | because, for (48) |
迎春花 | yíng chūn huā | winter jasmine (50) |
营业 | yíng yè | to do business (34) |
营业员 | yíng yè yuán | clerk, shop assistant (34) |
永远 | yǒng yuǎn | always, forever (39) |
油饼 | yóu bǐng | deep-fried pancake (43) |
邮局 | yóu jú | post office (34) |
邮票 | yóu piào | stamp (34) |
有的 | yǒu de | some (exist) (34) |
有一点儿 | yǒu yì diǎnr | a bit (43) |
愉快 | yú kuài | happy, delighted (39) |
雨 | yǔ | rain (33) |
语言 | yǔ yán | language (31) |
雨衣 | yǔ yī | raincoat (37.s) |
玉 | yù | jade (36) |
预报 | yù bào | forecast (33.s) |
园林 | yuán lín | gardens, park, landscape garden (44) |
元宵 | yuán xiāo | sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour (43) |
元宵节 | Yuán xiāo Jié | the Lantern Festival (48.s) |
远方 | yuǎn fāng | distant place (39) |
院子 | yuàn zi | courtyard (47) |
运动 | yùn dòng | to exercise (oneself), sport (40) |
运动会 | yùn dòng huì | sports meet (40) |
运动员 | yùn dòng yuán | sportsman, player (40) |
Z | ||
咱们 | zán men | we (including the person spoken to) (38) |
枣树 | zǎo shù | jujube tree, date tree (47) |
怎么 | zěn me | how, why (38) |
炸糕 | zhá gāo | fried cake (43) |
站 | zhàn | (bus) stop (38) |
张华光 | Zhāng Huá guāng | (name of a person) (31.p) |
张华明 | Zhāng Huá míng | (Name of a person) (41.p) |
掌柜 | zhǎng guì | shopkeeper (49) |
着急 | zháo jí | feel anxiously (35) |
找钱 | zhǎo qián | to give change (36) |
赵 | Zhào | (a surname) (31.p) |
照相机 | zhào xiàng jī | camera (41) |
这么 | zhè me | so, such (42) |
这样 | zhè yàng | so, such, like this (32) |
着 | zhe | a particle (indicates accompanying action) (34) |
针 | zhēn | injection, needle (46) |
珍贵 | zhēn guì | precious, valuable (45) |
整齐 | zhěng qí | neat, tidy (48) |
挣 | zhèng | to earn, to make (money) (35) |
正常 | zhèng cháng | normal, regular (32) |
正确 | zhèng què | correct, right (49) |
枝 | zhī | (a measure word) (50) |
之 | zhī | (a modal particle), (a pronoun) (43) |
只 | zhī | (a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.) (45) |
知识 | zhī shi | knowledge (32) |
指 | zhǐ | to point at, to point to (34) |
只 | zhǐ | only (36) |
只有 | zhǐ yǒu | only (44) |
质量 | zhì liàng | quality (36) |
钟 | zhōng | clock (31) |
终点 | zhōng diǎn | terminal point, terminus (38) |
中国历史博物馆 | Zhōng guó Lì shǐ Bó wù guǎn | Museum of Chinese History (42.p) |
中国美术馆 | Zhōng guó Měi shù guǎn | National Art Gallery (50.p) |
中间 | zhōng jiān | centre, middle (42) |
中山装 | zhōng shān zhuāng | Chinese tunic suit (37) |
中式 | zhōng shì | Chinese style (37) |
种 | zhǒng | to grow, to plant (46) |
种 | zhòng | (a measure word), kind, type, sort (36) |
重 | zhòng | heavy (42) |
粥 | zhōu | gruel, porridge (43) |
周到 | zhōu dào | thoughtful, considerate (41) |
周恩来 | Zhōu En lái | Zhou Enlai (50.p) |
周年 | zhōu nián | anniversary (50) |
周总理 | Zhōu Zǒng Lǐ | Premier Zhou (50.p) |
株 | zhū | (a measure word, use with plants) (47) |
竹子 | zhú zi | bamboo (45) |
主任 | zhǔ rèn | director, head (39) |
主席 | zhǔ xí | chairman (40) |
主席台 | zhǔ xí tái | rostrum, platform (40) |
住院 | zhù yuàn | to be in hospital, to be hospitalized (46) |
抓 | zhuā | to arrest, to catch, to clutch (49) |
专业 | zhuān yè | speciality, specialized subject (35) |
自行车 | zì xíng chē | bicycle, bike (36) |
总理 | zǒng lǐ | premier (50) |
嘴 | zuǐ | mouth (32.s) |
最 | zuì | best, most, least, to the highest (lowest) degree (33) |
最後 | zuì hòu | last (50) |
最近 | zuì jìn | recently, lately (32) |
作 | zuò | to regard as, to take (somebody) for (47) |
座 | zuò | (a measure word) (44) |
作品 | zuò pǐn | works (of literature and art) (49) |
座位 | zuò wèi | seat (38) |
This vocabulary list is available at http://ktmatu.com/chinese/
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