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Practical Chinese Reader II Vocabulary List


...之一... zhī yīone of... (49)


阿姨ā yíauntie (39)
àito love (45)


(a measure word) (47)
(a preposition) (46)
bǎihundred (33)
bǎito put, to lay (the table) (48)
百货大楼Bǎi huò Dà lóuThe (Beijing) Department Store (36.p)
拜年bài niánpay a New Year call, wish somebody a Happy New Year (48)
bānto move, to take away (42.s)
办公室bàn gōng shìoffice (47.s)
bāoto wrap, to make (dumplings) (46)
包裹bāo guǒparcel (34.s)
báothin (36)
保持bǎo chíto keep, to retain (40)
爆竹bào zhúfirecracker (48)
北边běi biānnorth, northern part (38.s, 47)
北海Běi hǎiBehai Park (32.p)
北京动物园Běi jīng Dòng wù yuánthe Beijing Zoo (45.p)
北京语言学院Běi jīng Yǔ yán Xué yuànBeijing Languages Institute (31.p)
bèi(a preposition) (49)
běnthis (one's own), native (34)
本子běn zibook, notebook (39)
to force, to compel (49)
鼻子bí zinose (32)
(a measure word) (50)
比较bǐ jiàocomparatively, quite, to compare (43)
比赛bǐ sàito compete, competition, match (40)
毕业bì yèto graduate (44.s)
biānside, edge (44)
biàn(a measure word) (32)
biǎo(wrist) watch (35)
form (application form, etc.) (32)
别的bié deother, another (43)
别人bié rénother people, others (36.s)
冰棍儿bīng gùn erice-lolly, ice-sucker (42)
bìngto be ill, illness (32)
病房bìng fángward (of a hospital) (46)
病人bìng rénpatient, invalid (46.s)
不但...而且bú dàn ... ér qiěnot only ..., but also ... (49)
cotton cloth (37)
不好意思bù hǎo yì sito feel embarrassed, to feel embarrassing (to do something) (39)
布鞋bù xiécloth shoes (37.s)
不用bù yòngthere is no need to (31.s)


cáionly just, not ... until... (41)
彩旗cǎi qícoloured flag (40)
菜单cài dānmenu (43.s)
操场cāo chǎngsportsground (40)
cǎograss (44)
茶馆chá guǎnteahouse (49)
茶壶chá húteapot (36)
茶具chá jùtea set, tea service (36)
茶碗chá wǎnteacup (36)
chánglong (31)
长城Cháng chéngthe Great Wall (32.p)
长短cháng duǎnlength (37)
长廊Cháng LángLong Corridor (44.p)
车间chē jiānworkshop (39)
陈毅Chén Yì(name of a person) (33.p)
chéngto become, to turn into (47)
成功chéng gōngto succeed (49)
成绩chéng jīresult, achievement (35)
chǐ(a unit of length (=0.33 metre)) (42.s)
崇祯Chóng zhēnEmperor Chongzhen (41.p)
绸子chóu zisilk fabric (37)
chū(a prefix) (48)
chūto come out, to go out (41)
出差chū chāito be away on official business, be on a business trip (44.s)
出院chū yuànto leave hospital (47.s)
出租汽车chū zū qì chētaxi, cab (38.s)
除了...以外chú le ... yǐ wàibesides, except (47)
除夕chú xīNew Year's Eve (48.s)
穿马路chuān mǎ lùto cross (a street) (43)
chuánboat (44)
窗户chuāng huwindow (46)
窗口chuāng kǒuwindow (34)
春节Chūn JiéSpring Festival (48.p)
春联chūn liánSpring Festivel couplets, New Year scrolls (48)
春天chūn tiānspring (33.s, 39)
瓷器cí qìchinaware, porcelain (36)
(a measure word), time (31)
聪明cōng mingintelligent, bright (39)
存车处cún chē chùparking lot (for bicycles) (43.s)
cuòwrong (38)
错误cuò wùmistake (47.s)


达尼亚Dá ní yà(name of a person) (44.p)
打开dǎ kāito open (50)
打破dǎ pòto break (40)
打拳dǎ quánto do shadowboxing (40)
打扫dǎ sǎoto clean up (48)
打针dǎ zhēnto give or have an injection (46)
大便dà biànstool, human excrement (46.s)
大闹天宫Dà nào tiān gōng"The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven" (32.p)
大娘dà niángaunt (38)
大声dà shēngloud voice, (read, speak, etc.) loudly (34)
大学dà xuéuniversity, college (31)
大爷dà yeuncle (38)
dàito wear (e.g. cap, glasses, gloves) (45)
dàito take (along), to bring (with) (38)
dàibag, sack (48.s)
dānbill, list, form (34.s)
但是dàn shìbut (39)
当心dāng xīnto take care, to look out (43.s)
得病dé bìngto fall ill, to contract a disease (32)
de(a particle), -ly (34)
dēnglamp, light (34.s)
lantern, lamp, light (48)
灯节Dēng Jiéthe Lantern Festival (15th of first month of the lunar calendar) (48.s)
灯笼dēng longlantern (48)
(a prefix indicating order) (31)
地方dì fangplace (32)
地铁dì tiěthe underground, subway (38.s)
典型diǎn xíngtypical, model (42)
diànshop, store (43)
电报diàn bàotelegram, cable (34.s)
电车diàn chētrolleybus (38)
diàoto hang (41)
dìngto subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.) (36.s)
定作dìng zuòto have something made to order (37)
diūto lose (41.s)
东边dōng biāneast, eastern part (38)
dòngto move (42)
动物dòng wùanimal (45)
动物园dòng wù yuánzoo (45)
豆腐dòu fubean curd (43)
独唱dú chàngsolo, to solo (49.s)
(a measure word), degree (C) (33.s)
度假dù jiàto spend one's holidays (44.s)
duǎnshort (37)
duìto, for (39)
对不起duì bu qǐ(I'm) sorry (41)
对象duì xiàngboy or girl friend (44.s)
多么duō mehow, what (44)


饿èto be hungry, hungry (43)
儿子ér zison (48)
耳朵ěr duoear (32)


发烧fā shāohave a fever (46)
发展fā zhǎnto develop (36)
饭馆fàn guǎnrestaurant (43)
方便fāng biànconvenient, to make it convenient for (42.s)
方向fāng xiàngdirection (38)
fàngto put, to place (34)
放爆竹fàng bào zhúto let off firecrackers (48)
放假fàng jiàto have a holidy or vacation (35)
非洲Fēi zhōuAfrica (45.p)
féiloose-fitting, fat (37)
fèilungs (32)
肺炎fèi yánpneumonia (32)
fēn(a measure word), (the smallest Chinese monetary unit) (36)
fēng(a measure word) (34)
fēngwind (33)
丰富fēng fùrich, abundant, to enrich (47)
风景fēng jǐngscenery, landscape (44)
风俗fēng súcustom (48.s)
风味fēng wèilocal flavor, local style (43)
服务fú wùto serve (43)
(measure word for textile or picture) (44)
阜成门Fù chéng mén(name of a place in Beijing) (47.p)


gǎito correct (47.s)
盖儿gàircover, lid (42)
gānliver (32.s)
干净gān jingclean, neat and tidy (48)
感动gǎn dòngto move, to touch, moving (49)
感冒gǎn màoto catch cold, (common) cold (46)
感想gǎn xiǎngimpressions, feeling (47)
gànto work, to do (42)
gāngjust, only a short while ago (38)
钢铁学院Gāng tiě Xué yuànThe Beijing Iron and steel Engineering Institute (38.p)
gāotall (37)
each, every, various, respectively (43)
个子gè ziheight, stature, build (32.s)
工地gōng dìconstruction site (42)
公分gōng fēn(a measure word, centimetre) (37)
公共gōng gòngpublic (38)
公共汽车gōng gòng qì chēbus (38)
恭贺新禧gōng hè xīn xǐHappy New Year (48)
公斤gōng jīnkilogram (kg.) (42.s)
公园gōng yuánpark (33)
gòuenough, sufficient (43)
ancient (33)
鼓掌gǔ zhǎngto applaud (40)
故宫Gù gōngthe Imperial Palace (41.p)
故居gù jūformer residence (47)
顾客gù kècustomer (43)
故事gù shìstory (38)
顾问gù wènadviser (42)
刮风guā fēngto blow (said of wind) (33)
guàto hang, to put up (34)
挂号guà hàoto register (a letter, etc.) (34)
挂号证guà hào zhèngregister card (46.s)
拐弯guǎi wānto turn a corner (38)
guānto close, to shut (39.s, 46)
关心guān xīnto care for, to be concerned with (39)
观众guān zhòngspectators, audience (40)
广播guǎng bōbroadcast (40)
广播室guǎng bō shìbroadcasting room (41.s)
广播员guǎng bō yuánradio (or wire-broadcasting) announcer (41.s)
广场guǎng chǎngsquare (41)
广州Guǎng zhōu(name of a city), Guangzhou (44.p)
guìexpensive (36.s)
柜台guì táicounter (34)
国际guó jìinternational (31)
guò(a particle) (32)
to come over, to pass by (41)


hǎisea (42.s, 50)
寒假hán jiàwinter vacation (35)
hǎnto shout (44)
航空háng kōngair (mail) (34)
好吃hǎo chīdelicious, tasty (43)
合唱hé chàngchorus, to chorus (49.s)
合适hé shìsuitable, fit (37)
hēiblack (48)
黑暗hēi àndark (49)
红莲hóng liánred lotus (50)
红绿灯hóng lǜ dēng(red and green) traffic light, traffic signal (38.s)
红叶hóng yèred autumnal leaves (of the maple, etc.) (33)
hòuthick (36.s)
后来hòu láiafterwards, later (45)
pot, (a measure word) (36)
lake (44)
胡同hú tònglane, alley (38.s)
护士hù shinurse (46.s)
护照hù zhàopassport (31.s)
huāto spend (money) (37)
华表huá biǎomarble pillar (ornamental column erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc.) (42)
华侨huá qiáooverseas Chinese (31)
huàto paint (36)
huàword, talk (31)
话剧huà jùspoken drama (49)
画蛇添足huà shé tiān zú(fig.) ruin the effect by adding what is superfluous (36.s)
画展huà zhǎnart exhibition (50)
怀念huái niànto cherish the memory of, to think of (47)
huài(there is something) wrong with, out of order (39.s)
bad (49)
huànto change (38)
Huáng(a surname) (48.p)
皇帝huáng dìemperor (41)
画儿huàrpicture, painting (36)
huīgrey (37)
恢复huī fùto recover (47.s)
huóto live, alive, living (47)
huògoods, commodity (36)
活儿huórwork, job (42)


trace, track, sign (33)
激动jī dòngexcited (40)
机会jī huìchance, opportunity (35)
极了jí leextremely, exceedingly (40)
crowded, to squeeze (41)
to post, to mail (34)
to remember, to bear in mind (39)
记录jì lùrecord (40)
纪念jì niànto commemorate, commemoration (47.s)
假期jià qīvacation (35)
价钱jià qiánprice (36.s)
jiān(a measure word) (47)
检查jiǎn cháto have a check-up, check-up, a physical examination (32)
简朴jiǎn pǔsimple and unadorned (47)
建设jiàn shèto build, to construct, construction (31)
建筑jiàn zhùbuilding, to build, to construct (41)
江西Jiāng xīJiangxi (name of a Chinese province) (36.p)
jiǎngto talk, to speak (38)
讲解jiǎng jiěto explain (47)
讲解员jiǎng jiě yuánguide (41.s, 47)
奖状jiǎng zhuàngcertificate of merit (42)
jiāoto pay (money) (37)
jiǎofoot (36.s, 41)
饺子jiǎo zidumpling (46)
jiào(a preposition) (49)
jiēto extend, to connect (47)
jiēstreet (38.s)
街道jiē dàostreet (39)
jiéfestival (48)
节目jié mùprogramme, item (49.s)
节日jié rìfestival, holiday (48)
jiěto relieve oneself (46.s)
解放jiě fàngto liberate (36)
jièto borrow, to lend (49)
jìnnear (44)
景德镇Jǐng dé zhènJingdezhen (name of a Chinese city) (36.p)
景山Jǐng shān(name of a hill in Jingshan park) (41.p)
景山公园Jǐng shān Gōng yuán(name of a park in Beijing) (41.p)
镜头jìng tóucamera lens (42)
镜子jìng zimirror (44)
(a measure word, for sentences or lines of verse) (39)
剧场jù chǎngtheater (49)
juéto disappear, to vanish, absolutely (33)
觉得jué deto think, to feel (33)
决定jué dìngto decide, to make up one's mind, decision (44)


开花儿kāi huār(of flowers) to open out, blossom (33)
开会kāi huìto hold or attend a meeting (31.s)
开学kāi xuéschool opens, new term begins (35)
开演kāi yǎn(of a play, movie, etc.) to begin (49.s)
看病kàn bìngto see (a doctor, etc.) (32)
kǎoto test (35)
考试kǎo shìto test, examination (35)
department of internal medicine (46.s)
咳嗽ké souto cough (46)
thirsty (43.s)
可爱kě àilovely (45)
可能kě néngmay, probable, possible (46)
可笑kě xiàofunny, ridiculous (45)
ridiculous, laughable (42.s)
客人kè renguest, visitor (39)
kuàiyuan, (a measure word), (a Chinese monetary unit, equal to 10 jiao or mao) (36)
kuānwide (42)
昆明湖Kūn míng HúKunming Lake (44.p)


to play (string instruments) (31.s)
lánblue (37)
兰花lán huācymbidium, orchid (50)
劳动láo dòngto labor, to work (49)
lǎoold, aged (31)
老虎lǎo hǔtiger (47)
老骥伏枥,志在千里lǎo jì fú lì, zhì zài qiān lǐstill aspires to gallop a thousand li, (fig.) old people may still cherish high aspirations (39)
姥姥lǎo lao(maternal) grandmother, grandma (46)
老舍Lǎo Shě(name of a person) (49.p)
lèito feel tired (43)
lěngcold (33)
礼堂lǐ tángassembly hall, auditorium (42)
礼物lǐ wùgift, present (48)
李自成Lǐ Zì chéng(name of a person) (41.p)
to stand, to erect (33)
利害lì haiserious, terrible (46)
立刻lì kèimmediately, at once (46)
丽丽Lì lìname of panda (45.p)
历史lì shǐhistory (36)
利用lì yòngto use, to make use of (35)
连...也...lián ... yě ...even ... (49)
liángto measure (32)
凉快liáng kuainice and cold, pleasantly cool (33.s)
粮食liáng shigrain, food (48.s)
liàng(a measure word for vehicles) (37)
liànglight, bright (43.s)
liǎoto end up (42)
料子liào zimaterial (37.s)
邻居lín jūneighbor (39)
临摹lín móto copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.) (50)
língzero (36)
零钱líng qiánchange (said of money) (36.s)
liúto remain, to ask somebody to stay (39)
留言liú yánto leave one's comments, to leave a message (47)
留言簿liú yán bùvisitor's book (47)
隆冬lóng dōngmidwinter, the depth of winter (33)
road, way (31)
路口lù kǒucrossing, intersection (38.s)
录音lù yīnto record (sound, voice), recording (31.s)
to record, recording (46)
录音机lù yīn jī(tape) recorder (46)
旅馆lǚ guǎnhotel (41.s)
旅行lǚ xíngto travel (44)
绿灯lǜ dēnggreen light (43.s)
骆驼祥子Luò tuo xiáng ziname of a novel (49.p)


麻烦má fanto bother, to put somebody to trouble, trouble, troublesome (48)
horse (38)
马路mǎ lùroad, street (38)
màito sell (49)
máojiao, (a measure word), (a Chinese monetary unit, equal to 10 fen) (36)
毛衣máo yī(wollen) sweater (37.s)
毛主席Máo Zhǔ xíChairman Mao (42.p)
贸易mào yìtrade (44)
没关系méi guān xiit doesn't matter (41)
梅花méi huāplum blossom (33)
měibeautiful (41)
美国Měi guóthe United States (of America) (31.p)
门口mén kǒudoorway, entrance (41)
(measure word), metre (37)
棉袄mián ǎocotton-padded jacket (37)
面儿miànrcover, outside (37)
miǎo(a measure word), second (40)
民乐mín yuèmusic, esp. folk music, for traditional instruments (49.s)
míng(a measure word for people), place (e.g. among winners) (40)
明信片míng xìn piànpostcard (34)
摩托车mó tuō chēmotorcycle (41.s)
墨镜mò jìngsunglasses (45)
母亲mǔ qinmother (44)


to get, to take (32)
南边nán biānsouth, southern part (38)
南京Nán jīngNanjing (city) (34.p)
南亚Nán YàSouth Asia (45.p)
南辕北辙nán yuán běi zhé(fig.) act in a way that defeats one's purpose (38.s)
男子nán zǐman (40)
内科nèi kēmedical department (32)
niányear (48)
年画儿nián huàrNew Year (or Spring Festival) picture (48)
年夜饭nián yè fànNew Year's Eve family dinner (48.s)
牛马niú mǎoxen and horses, beasts of burden (47.s)
牛奶niú nǎimilk (43)
女高音nǚ gāo yīnsoprano (49.s)
暖和nuǎn huówarm, nice and warm (33.s)


to climb (44)
to be afraid, to fear (33)
排队pái duìto line up (38)
牌子pái zisign, plate (34)
彷徨Páng huáng(name of a collection of short stories) (47.p)
pàngfat, stout, plump (37.s)
pǎoto run (38)
培养péi yǎngto foster, to bring up (47)
piān(a measure word) (47)
piān(a measure word), tablets (46.s)
便宜pián yicheap (36)
平安里Píng ān lǐ(name of a street in Beijing) (38.p)
平方米píng fāng mǐsquare metre (42.s)
平信píng xìnordinary mail (34.s)


to ride (a bicycle) (37)
齐白石Qí Bái shíQi Bai Shi (name of a person) (36.p)
奇怪qí guàisurprised, strange (35)
旗袍qí páoChinese-style frock (37.s)
旗子qí ziflag, banner (40)
汽车qì chēautomobile, car (38)
qiānthousand (42)
qiánmoney (35)
qiángwall (34)
qiāoto knock (at a door) (33)
qiáobridge (44)
亲爱qīn àidear (48)
亲切qīn qiècordial, kind (43)
qīnggreen (44)
清楚qīng chuclear (41)
青年qīng niányouth (47)
qíng(of weather) fine, bright, clear (33)
情况qíng kuàngcondition, situation, state of affairs (35)
屈服qū fúto surrender, to yield (33)
quánwhole (48)
群众qún zhòngmass, people (47.s)


ràng(a preposition) (49)
hot (33)
热烈rè lièwarm, enthusiastic (40)
人民大会堂Rén mín Dà huì tángGreat Hall of the People (42.p)
人民英雄纪念碑Rén mín Yīng xióng Jì niàn bēiMonument to the People's Heroes (42.p)
人物rén wùfigure, characters (in a play, novel, etc.) (44)
日记rì jìdiary (49)


三国演义Sān guó yǎn yì(name of a novel), "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (44.p)
三里河Sān lǐ hé(name of a street in Beijing) (38.p)
三里屯Sān lǐ tún(name of a street in Beijing) (38.p)
sǎoto sweep (48)
shāto kill (49)
shānhill, mountain (41)
上次shàng cìlast (time), a previous (occasion) (37)
上海Shàng hǎiShanghai (31.p)
社会shè huìsociety (49)
社会主义shè huì zhǔ yìsocialism (31)
设计shè jìto design (47)
shēngto be born (44.s)
生产shēng chǎnto produce, to manufacture (36)
生活shēng huólife, to live (47)
to live, life (44.s)
生命shēng mìnglife (32)
圣诞节Shèng dàn JiéChristmas Day (48.p)
shīpoem, poetry, verse (33)
师傅shī fumaster worker (43)
master, a qualified worker (39.s)
狮子shī zilion (42)
时间shí jiān(the duration of) time, (a point of) time (31)
石头shí toustone, rock (42)
实现shí xiànto realize, to achieve (31)
使者shǐ zhěemissary, envoy (45)
shìcity (34)
世界shì jièthe world (50)
逝世shì shìto pass away (50)
shōuto receive (34)
收据shōu jùreceipt (34.s)
收拾shōu shito put in order, to tidy up (48)
收音机shōu yīn jīradio (34.s)
shǒuhand (39.s, 46)
shǒu(a measure word (for poem)) (33)
首都shǒu dūcapital of a country (31)
首都国际机场Shǒu dū Guó jì Jī chǎngthe Capital International Airport, Beijing (31.p)
首都剧场Shǒu dū Jù chǎngthe Capital Theatre (49.p)
手续shǒu xùformalities (31)
shòutight, thin, lean (37)
售货员shòu huò yuánshop assistant (36)
售票处shòu piào chùticket office, booking office (41.s)
售票员shòu piào yuánticket seller, conductor (38)
舒服shū fucomfortable, well (46)
书架shū jiàbookshelf (39.s)
叔叔shū shufather's younger brother, uncle (39)
暑假shǔ jiàsummer vacation (35)
shùtree (33)
说明书shuō míng shūsynopsis (of a play or film) (49.s)
司机sī jīdriver (41)
to die (41)
虽然suī ránthough, although (39)
岁数suì shuage (42)


it (44)
它们tā menthey (refers to things, animals only) (45)
pagoda (44)
太极拳tài jí quán(a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing) (40)
太阳tài yangthe sun (44)
探亲tàn qīnto go home to visit one's family (44.s)
tángsugar (43)
唐山Táng shānTangshan (name of a Chinese city) (36.p)
tǎngto lie (46)
tào(a measure word), set (36)
téngache, pain, sore (46)
藤野Téng yěname of a person (47.p)
to suggest, to put forward (43)
提高tí gāoto increase, to raise (36)
体温tǐ wēn(body) temperature (46)
tiānheaven (44)
天安门Tiān ān ménTiananmen (Gate of Heavenly peace) (34.p)
天安门广场Tiān ān mén Guǎng chǎngTiananmen square (41.p)
天气tiān qìweather (31)
tiánto fill (32.s)
条子tiáo zia short note, a slip of paper (39.s)
tiàoto jump (44)
tiēto paste (48)
听说tīng shuōit is said that (41)
亭子tíng zipavilion (41)
挺立tǐng lìto stand erect, to stand upright (50)
同志tóng zhìcomrade (31)
tóuhead (45)
头发tóu fahair (on the human head) (32.s)
透视tòu shìto examine by fluoroscope, to take X-ray examination (32)
图片tú piànpicture, photograph (34)
兔子tù zihare, rabbit (48)
团聚tuán jùto reunite, to have a reunion (48)
tuīto push (43.s)
tuǐleg (45)
退休tuì xiūto retire (39)


袜子wà zisocks, stockings (37.s)
外国wài guóforeign country (45)
豌豆赵Wān dòu Zhào(Name of person) (43.p)
豌豆粥wān dòu zhōupea gruel (43)
wánto finish, to be over (39)
完成wán chéngto complete, to finish (42)
wǎnbowl, (a measure word, bowl) (36)
wànten thousand (42)
万寿山Wàn shòu Shān(name of a place), Longevity Hill (44.p)
wǎngto go (to a place) (38)
wàngtoward, (train) bound for (38)
微笑wēi xiàoto smile (50)
尾巴wěi batail (47)
伟大wěi dàgreat (47)
wèistomach (32.s)
为什么wèi shén mewhy (34)
文学家wén xué jiāwriter, man of letters (47)
文章wén zhāngwritings (47)
屋子wū ziroom (48)
舞蹈wǔ dǎodance (49.s)
fog, mist (33.s)


西边xī biānwest, western part (38.s, 41)
西三条Xī sān tiáo(name of a place in Beijing) (47.p)
希望xī wàngto hope, to wish, hope, wish (31)
吸引xī yǐnto attract, to draw (49)
西装xī zhuāng(Western-style) suit (37.s)
习惯xí guànto be used to, to be accustomed to, habit, custom (33.s)
to wash (41)
洗照片xǐ zhào piànto develop (a film) (42)
xiàto get off (bus, etc.) (38)
下边xià biānbelow, under, underneath (34)
夏历xià lìthe traditional Chinese calendar (48.s)
下星期xià xīng qīnext week (37)
下雨xià yǔto rain (33)
xiānfirst (32)
现代化xiàn dài huàmodernization (31)
香山Xiāng shānFragrance Hill (Park) (33.p)
xiàngelephant (45)
向导xiàng dǎoguide (41)
小吃xiǎo chīsnack, refreshments (43)
小吃店xiǎo chī diànsnack bar, lunch room (43)
小冬Xiǎo dōng(name of a child) (42.p)
小红Xiǎo hóng(name of a child) (42.p)
小兰Xiǎo lán(name of a person) (39.p)
小声xiǎo shēngin a low voice, (speak) in whispers (46)
小时xiǎo shíhour (31)
小说xiǎo shuōnovel, short story (41)
小提琴xiǎo tí qínviolin (31.s)
辛苦xīn kǔhard, exhausting, with much toil (31)
新年xīn niánNew Year (48)
心脏xīn zàngheart (32)
信封xìn fēngenvelope (34)
信箱xìn xiāngpost-office box (P.O.B), letter box, mail box (34.s)
姓名xìng míngfull name, surname and given name (34)
杏仁xìng rénalmond (43)
杏仁豆腐xìng rén dòu fualmond junket (43)
熊猫xióng māopanda (45)
熊猫馆xióng māo guǎnpanda exhibition hall (45)
xiūto build (road, etc) (38)
修建xiū jiànto build, to construct (42)
选举xuǎn jǔto elect (39)
学期xué qīterm, semester (35)
学校xué xiàoschool (31)
xuěsnow (33)
xuèblood (32)
血压xuè yāblood pressure (32)


亚洲Yà zhōuAsia (45.p)
颜色yán sècolour (37)
yǎnto perform, to play, to act (49)
演出yǎn chūperformance, show, to perform, to put on a show (49)
眼睛yǎn jīngeye (32)
演员yǎn yuánactor or actress, performer (49.s)
阳阳Yáng yang(name of child) (48.p)
样子yàng zimanner, air, looks (45)
yàomedicine (46)
要不yào buor, or else, otherwise (37)
药方yào fāngprescription (46.s)
药剂士yào jì shìdruggist, pharmacist (46.s)
要是yào shìif (41)
爷爷yé yegrandpa (42)
野草Yě cǎo(name of a collection of prose poems) (47.p)
page, (a measure word, page) (50)
叶子yè zileaf (33)
一...就...yī ... jiù ...no sooner ... than ..., as soon as (39)
衣服yī fuclothes, clothing (37)
衣柜yī guìwardrobe (39.s)
医务所yī wù suǒclinic (32)
医院yī yuànhospital (46)
遗产yí chǎnheritage (47)
一共yí gòngaltogether, in all (36)
颐和园Yí hé yuánSummer Palace (33.p)
一会儿yí huìra little while (41)
a little while, in a moment (31.s)
一样yí yàngsame, identical (37)
已经yǐ jīngalready (31)
以前yǐ qiánbefore, in the past (32)
意见yì jiàncriticism, comments or suggestions (43)
艺术yì shùart (42)
艺术家yì shù jiāartist (49)
意思yì sīmeaning (39)
阴天yīn tiāncloudy day, overcast sky (33.s)
因为yīn weibecause, for (48)
迎春花yíng chūn huāwinter jasmine (50)
营业yíng yèto do business (34)
营业员yíng yè yuánclerk, shop assistant (34)
永远yǒng yuǎnalways, forever (39)
油饼yóu bǐngdeep-fried pancake (43)
邮局yóu júpost office (34)
邮票yóu piàostamp (34)
有的yǒu desome (exist) (34)
有一点儿yǒu yì diǎnra bit (43)
愉快yú kuàihappy, delighted (39)
rain (33)
语言yǔ yánlanguage (31)
雨衣yǔ yīraincoat (37.s)
jade (36)
预报yù bàoforecast (33.s)
园林yuán língardens, park, landscape garden (44)
元宵yuán xiāosweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour (43)
元宵节Yuán xiāo Jiéthe Lantern Festival (48.s)
远方yuǎn fāngdistant place (39)
院子yuàn zicourtyard (47)
运动yùn dòngto exercise (oneself), sport (40)
运动会yùn dòng huìsports meet (40)
运动员yùn dòng yuánsportsman, player (40)


咱们zán menwe (including the person spoken to) (38)
枣树zǎo shùjujube tree, date tree (47)
怎么zěn mehow, why (38)
炸糕zhá gāofried cake (43)
zhàn(bus) stop (38)
张华光Zhāng Huá guāng(name of a person) (31.p)
张华明Zhāng Huá míng(Name of a person) (41.p)
掌柜zhǎng guìshopkeeper (49)
着急zháo jífeel anxiously (35)
找钱zhǎo qiánto give change (36)
Zhào(a surname) (31.p)
照相机zhào xiàng jīcamera (41)
这么zhè meso, such (42)
这样zhè yàngso, such, like this (32)
zhea particle (indicates accompanying action) (34)
zhēninjection, needle (46)
珍贵zhēn guìprecious, valuable (45)
整齐zhěng qíneat, tidy (48)
zhèngto earn, to make (money) (35)
正常zhèng chángnormal, regular (32)
正确zhèng quècorrect, right (49)
zhī(a measure word) (50)
zhī(a modal particle), (a pronoun) (43)
zhī(a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.) (45)
知识zhī shiknowledge (32)
zhǐto point at, to point to (34)
zhǐonly (36)
只有zhǐ yǒuonly (44)
质量zhì liàngquality (36)
zhōngclock (31)
终点zhōng diǎnterminal point, terminus (38)
中国历史博物馆Zhōng guó Lì shǐ Bó wù guǎnMuseum of Chinese History (42.p)
中国美术馆Zhōng guó Měi shù guǎnNational Art Gallery (50.p)
中间zhōng jiāncentre, middle (42)
中山装zhōng shān zhuāngChinese tunic suit (37)
中式zhōng shìChinese style (37)
zhǒngto grow, to plant (46)
zhòng(a measure word), kind, type, sort (36)
zhòngheavy (42)
zhōugruel, porridge (43)
周到zhōu dàothoughtful, considerate (41)
周恩来Zhōu En láiZhou Enlai (50.p)
周年zhōu niánanniversary (50)
周总理Zhōu Zǒng LǐPremier Zhou (50.p)
zhū(a measure word, use with plants) (47)
竹子zhú zibamboo (45)
主任zhǔ rèndirector, head (39)
主席zhǔ xíchairman (40)
主席台zhǔ xí táirostrum, platform (40)
住院zhù yuànto be in hospital, to be hospitalized (46)
zhuāto arrest, to catch, to clutch (49)
专业zhuān yèspeciality, specialized subject (35)
自行车zì xíng chēbicycle, bike (36)
总理zǒng lǐpremier (50)
zuǐmouth (32.s)
zuìbest, most, least, to the highest (lowest) degree (33)
最後zuì hòulast (50)
最近zuì jìnrecently, lately (32)
zuòto regard as, to take (somebody) for (47)
zuò(a measure word) (44)
作品zuò pǐnworks (of literature and art) (49)
座位zuò wèiseat (38)

This vocabulary list is available at http://ktmatu.com/chinese/

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