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Practical Chinese Reader I-II Vocabulary List


0líng (10)


1yī (10)
10shí (11)


2èr (10)


3sān (10)


4sì (10)


5wǔ (10)


6liù (11)


7qī (11)


8bā (11)


9jiǔ (11)


above上边shàng bian (22)
absolutelyjué (33)
abundant丰富fēng fù (47)
acheténg (46)
to achieve实现shí xiàn (31)
achievement成绩chéng jī (35)
to actyǎn (49)
to act asdāng (26)
act as referee裁判cái pàn (28)
actor or actress演员yǎn yuán (49.s)
address地址dì zhǐ (20)
advance进步jìn bù (29)
(an adverb indicating an action in progress)正在zhèng zài (23)
adviser顾问gù wèn (42)
aeroplane飞机fēi jī (29)
Africa非洲Fēi Zhōu (7.s)
Fēi zhōu (45.p)
afternoon下午xià wǔ (18)
afterwards后来hòu lái (45)
againyòu (27)
againzài (25)
age岁数suì shu (42)
age (number of years old)岁数suì shu (21.s)
agedlǎo (31)
ago以前yǐ qián (17.s)
ahā (13, 17)
air样子yàng zi (45)
air (mail)航空háng kōng (34)
aircraft飞机fēi jī (29)
airport机场jī chǎng (29)
alivehuó (47)
all大家dà jiā (27)
alldōu (3)
alley胡同hú tòng (38.s)
almond杏仁xìng rén (43)
almond junket杏仁豆腐xìng rén dòu fu (43)
already已经yǐ jīng (31)
alsoyě (2)
although虽然suī rán (39)
altogether一共yí gòng (36)
always永远yǒng yuǎn (39)
alwayszǒng (22)
always总是zǒng shì (22)
ambassador大使dà shǐ (27)
ancientgǔ (33)
andhé (13)
animal动物dòng wù (45)
Anna (personal name)安娜ān nà (24.p)
anniversary周年zhōu nián (50)
another别的bié de (43)
to answer回答huí dá (24)
to answer (the telephone)jiē (23)
to applaud鼓掌gǔ zhǎng (40)
apple苹果píng guǒ (19.s)
appointment约会yuē huì (20.s)
to arrange整理zhěng lǐ (22)
to arrestzhuā (49)
to arrivedào (27)
art艺术yì shù (42)
art exhibition画展huà zhǎn (50)
artist艺术家yì shù jiā (49)
as a result所以suǒ yǐ (29)
as soon as一...就...yī ... jiù ... (39)
Asia亚洲Yà zhōu (45.p)
to askràng (19)
to askwèn (9)
to ask somebody to stayliú (39)
assembly hall礼堂lǐ táng (42)
atzài (10)
at oncejiù (26)
at once立刻lì kè (46)
at the back of后边hòu biān (22)
(athlete's) coach教练jiào liàn (25)
attache参赞cān zàn (27)
to attend参加cān jiā (20)
to attend (a class)上课shàng kè (17)
to attend tobàn (28)
attendant服务员fú wù yuán (19)
to attract吸引xī yǐn (49)
audience观众guān zhòng (40)
auditorium礼堂lǐ táng (42)
aunt大娘dà niáng (38)
auntie阿姨ā yí (39)
author作家zuò jiā (26)
automobile汽车qì chē (29.s, 38)
autumn秋天qiū tiān (29)


back后边hòu biān (22)
badhuài (49)
badminton网球wǎng qiú (28.s)
bagdài (48.s)
ballqiú (28)
ball舞会wǔ huì (20)
bamboo竹子zhú zi (45)
banana香蕉xiāng jiāo (19.s)
bank银行yín háng (14)
banner旗子qí zi (40)
basketball篮球lán qiú (28.s)
bathroom洗澡间xǐ zǎo jiān (22)
to beshì (4)
to be a (a place)zài (10)
to be ablenéng (26)
to be accustomed to习惯xí guàn (33.s)
to be afraidpà (33)
to be at ease放心fàng xīn (29)
to be away on official business出差chū chāi (44.s)
to be bornshēng (44.s)
to be calledjiào (9)
to be concerned with关心guān xīn (39)
to be familiar with认识rèn shi (12)
to be fond of喜欢xǐ huan (19)
to be going toyào (19, 29)
to be hospitalized住院zhù yuàn (46)
to be hungry饿è (43)
to be illbìng (32)
to be in hospital住院zhù yuàn (46)
to be likexiàng (21)
be on a business trip出差chū chāi (44.s)
to be overwán (39)
to be short ofchà (17)
to be used to习惯xí guàn (33.s)
to be willing (to do something)愿意yuàn yì (29)
bean curd豆腐dòu fu (43)
to bear in mindjì (39)
beasts of burden牛马niú mǎ (47.s)
to beatyíng (28)
beautifulměi (41)
beautiful漂亮piào liang (21)
because因为yīn wei (48)
to becomechéng (47)
bedchuáng (18)
bedroom卧室wò shì (22)
beer啤酒pí jiǔ (8.s, 19)
before前边qián biān (22.s)
before以前yǐ qián (17.s, 32)
to begin开始kāi shǐ (27)
Behai Park北海Běi hǎi (32.p)
behind后边hòu biān (22)
Beijing北京Běi jīng (7.p, 18.p)
Beijing Languages Institute北京语言学院Běi jīng Yǔ yán Xué yuàn (31.p)
Beijing opera京剧jīng jù (16)
the Beijing Zoo北京动物园Běi jīng Dòng wù yuán (45.p)
bellzhōng (17.s)
below下边xià biān (22.s, 34)
besides除了...以外chú le ... yǐ wài (47)
bestzuì (33)
bicycle自行车zì xíng chē (36)
to bid farewell to再见zài jiàn (11)
bigdà (16)
bike自行车zì xíng chē (36)
billdān (34.s)
birthday生日shēng rì (20)
a bit一点儿yī diǎnr (25)
a bit有一点儿yǒu yì diǎnr (43)
blackhēi (16.s, 48)
black tea红茶hóng chá (19)
bloodxuè (32)
blood pressure血压xuè yā (32)
blossom开花儿kāi huār (33)
blouse衬衫chèn shān (16)
to blow (said of wind)刮风guā fēng (33)
bluelán (16.s, 37)
to boardshàng (29)
boatchuán (44)
body身体shēn tǐ (29)
(body) temperature体温tǐ wēn (46)
bon voyage一路平安yí lù píng ān (29)
book本子běn zi (39)
bookshū (5)
booking office售票处shòu piào chù (41.s)
bookshelf书架shū jià (39.s)
bookstore书店shū diàn (14)
to borrowjiè (15.s, 49)
bothliǎ (26)
to bother麻烦má fan (48)
bottlepíng (19)
bottom下边xià biān (22.s)
bowlwǎn (36)
boy or girl friend对象duì xiàng (44.s)
branchzhī (19.s)
brandy白兰地bái lán dì (27.s)
bread面包miàn bāo (25)
to break打破dǎ pò (40)
breakfast早饭zǎo fàn (28)
bridgeqiáo (44)
bright聪明cōng ming (39)
brightliàng (43.s)
brightqíng (33)
to bring (with)dài (38)
to bring up培养péi yǎng (47)
Britain英国Yīng guó (9.s, 13.s)
broadcast广播guǎng bō (40)
broadcasting room广播室guǎng bō shì (41.s)
build个子gè zi (32.s)
to build建设jiàn shè (31)
to build建筑jiàn zhù (41)
to build修建xiū jiàn (42)
to build (road, etc)xiū (38)
building建筑jiàn zhù (41)
bunchshù (21)
bus公共汽车gōng gòng qì chē (38)
(bus) stopzhàn (38)
business事儿shìr (17)
busymáng (3)
but但是dàn shì (39)
but可是kě shì (26)
to buymǎi (13)


cab出租汽车chū zū qì chē (38.s)
cable电报diàn bào (34.s)
cafe咖啡馆kā fēi guǎn (17)
to calljiào (9)
to call (a taxi etc.)jiào (29.s)
to call on访问fǎng wèn (23)
to call on (a person)zhǎo (16)
camera照相机zhào xiàng jī (41)
camera lens镜头jìng tóu (42)
canhuì (26)
can可以kě yǐ (26)
cannéng (26)
cap帽子mào zi (28)
the Capital International Airport, Beijing首都国际机场Shǒu dū Guó jì Jī chǎng (31.p)
capital of a country首都shǒu dū (31)
the Capital Theatre首都剧场Shǒu dū Jù chǎng (49.p)
car汽车qì chē (29.s, 38)
to care for关心guān xīn (39)
to catchzhuā (49)
to catch cold感冒gǎn mào (46)
central exchange总机zǒng jī (23.s)
centre中间zhōng jiān (42)
certain一定yī dìng (20)
certainly一定yī dìng (20)
certificate of merit奖状jiǎng zhuàng (42)
chair椅子yǐ zi (22)
chairman主席zhǔ xí (40)
Chairman Mao毛主席Máo Zhǔ xí (42.p)
champagne香槟酒xiāng bīn jiǔ (27.s)
chance机会jī huì (35)
to changehuàn (38)
change (said of money)零钱líng qián (36.s)
the Changjiang (Yangtze) River长江Cháng Jiāng (7.p)
characterzì (15)
characters (in a play, novel, etc.)人物rén wù (44)
to chattán (20.s)
cheap便宜pián yi (36)
check-up检查jiǎn chá (32)
cheese奶酪nǎi lào (25)
to cherish the memory of怀念huái niàn (47)
child孩子hái zi (14)
China中国Zhōng guó (6.s, 13.p)
chinaware瓷器cí qì (36)
Chinese (spoken language)汉语Hàn yǔ (6.p)
Chinese (written language)中文Zhōng wén (15)
Chinese character汉字Hàn zì (15)
Chinese dumpling饺子jiǎo zi (25.s)
(a Chinese monetary unit, equal to 10 fen)máo (36)
(a Chinese monetary unit, equal to 10 jiao or mao)kuài (36)
Chinese style中式zhōng shì (37)
Chinese tunic suit中山装zhōng shān zhuāng (37)
Chinese-style frock旗袍qí páo (37.s)
chopsticks筷子kuài zi (27)
chorus合唱hé chàng (49.s)
to chorus合唱hé chàng (49.s)
Christmas Day圣诞节Shèng dàn Jié (48.p)
cinema电影院diàn yǐng yuàn (17.s)
citychéng (23)
cityshì (34)
classbān (15.s, 20)
classkè (17)
class is dismissed下课xià kè (17)
class is over下课xià kè (17)
classical古典gǔ diǎn (19)
classmate同学tóng xué (20)
classroom教室jiào shì (15.s)
clean干净gān jing (21.s, 48)
to clean up打扫dǎ sǎo (48)
clear清楚qīng chu (25.s, 41)
clearqíng (33)
clerk营业员yíng yè yuán (34)
to climbpá (44)
clinic医务所yī wù suǒ (32)
clockzhōng (17.s, 31)
closejǐn (29)
to closeguān (39.s, 46)
cloth shoes布鞋bù xié (37.s)
clothes衣服yī fu (37)
clothing衣服yī fu (37)
cloudy day阴天yīn tiān (33.s)
to clutchzhuā (49)
to coach辅导fǔ dǎo (20)
coach教练jiào liàn (25)
coffee咖啡kā fēi (8.s, 17)
coldlěng (33)
college大学dà xué (31)
college学院xué yuàn (9)
colour颜色yán sè (37)
coloured flag彩旗cǎi qí (40)
to comelái (13)
to come injìn (8)
to come in进来jìn lái (26.s)
to come or go off work下班xià bān (17.s)
to come outchū (41)
to come overguò (41)
to come to a stoptíng (25)
comfortable舒服shū fu (46)
to commemorate纪念jì niàn (47.s)
commemoration纪念jì niàn (47.s)
comments or suggestions意见yì jiàn (43)
commodityhuò (36)
(common) cold感冒gǎn mào (46)
company公司gōng sī (14.s)
comparatively比较bǐ jiào (25.s, 43)
to compare比较bǐ jiào (25.s, 43)
to compelbī (49)
to compete比赛bǐ sài (40)
to competesài (28)
competition比赛bǐ sài (40)
competitionsài (28)
to complete完成wán chéng (42)
comrade同志tóng zhì (9.s, 31)
concert音乐会yīn yuè huì (20.s)
condition情况qíng kuàng (35)
conductor售票员shòu piào yuán (38)
to congratulate祝贺zhù hè (20)
congratulation祝贺zhù hè (20)
to connectjiē (47)
conscientious认真rèn zhēn (24)
considerate周到zhōu dào (41)
to construct建设jiàn shè (31)
to construct建筑jiàn zhù (41)
to construct修建xiū jiàn (42)
construction建设jiàn shè (31)
construction site工地gōng dì (42)
to contract a disease得病dé bìng (32)
convenient方便fāng biàn (42.s)
cooked ricefàn (18)
to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.)临摹lín mó (50)
cordial亲切qīn qiè (43)
cordial热情rè qíng (30)
to correctgǎi (47.s)
correct不错bú cuò (25)
correct正确zhèng què (49)
correct (answer)duì (13)
cotton clothbù (37)
cotton-padded jacket棉袄mián ǎo (37)
to cough咳嗽ké sou (46)
counsellor参赞cān zàn (27)
counter柜台guì tái (34)
countryguó (6)
country国家guó jiā (30)
countryside农村nóng cūn (24)
courteous客气kè qi (8)
courtyard院子yuàn zi (47)
cover盖儿gàir (42)
cover面儿miànr (37)
(cow's milk)牛奶niú nǎi (25.s)
criticism意见yì jiàn (43)
to cross (a street)穿马路chuān mǎ lù (43)
crossing路口lù kǒu (38.s)
crowdedjǐ (41)
to crykū (30)
culture文化wén huà (27)
cupbēi (19)
custom风俗fēng sú (48.s)
custom习惯xí guàn (33.s)
customer顾客gù kè (43)
cymbidium兰花lán huā (50)


dance舞蹈wǔ dǎo (49.s)
dance舞会wǔ huì (20)
to dance跳舞tiào wǔ (21)
dark黑暗hēi àn (49)
date (spoken language)hào (20)
date (written language)rì (20)
date tree枣树zǎo shù (47)
daughter女儿nǚ ér (21.s, 30)
daytiān (18)
day of a monthhào (20)
day of the monthrì (20)
dear亲爱qīn ài (48)
to decide决定jué dìng (44)
decision决定jué dìng (44)
deep-fried pancake油饼yóu bǐng (43)
to deepen加深jiā shēn (26)
degree (C)dù (33.s)
delegate代表dài biǎo (23)
delegation代表团dài biǎo tuán (23)
delicious好吃hǎo chī (43)
delighted高兴gāo xìng (21)
delighted愉快yú kuài (39)
to depart离开lí kāi (29)
departmentxì (15)
department of internal medicinekē (46.s)
the depth of winter隆冬lóng dōng (33)
to design设计shè jì (47)
to develop发展fā zhǎn (36)
to develop (a film)洗照片xǐ zhào piàn (42)
diary日记rì jì (49)
dictionary词典cí diǎn (11)
to diesǐ (41)
difficultnán (24)
Ding Yun (a personal name)丁云Dīng Yún (9.p, 13.p)
dining-hall餐厅cān tīng (22)
dining-hall食堂shí táng (17)
diplomatic officer参赞cān zàn (27)
direction方向fāng xiàng (38)
director经理jīng lǐ (14.s)
director主任zhǔ rèn (39)
to disappearjué (33)
diseasebìng (27.s)
dishcài (25.s, 27)
distantyuǎn (30)
distant place远方yuǎn fāng (39)
distinct清楚qīng chu (25.s)
to dobàn (28)
to dogàn (42)
to dozuò (14)
to do business营业yíng yè (34)
do notbié (19)
to do physical training锻炼duàn liàn (24)
to do shadowboxing打拳dǎ quán (40)
doctor大夫dài fu (5)
don'tbié (19)
doormén (21)
doorway门口mén kǒu (41)
dormitory宿舍sù shè (10)
to drawhuà (26.s)
to draw吸引xī yǐn (49)
drawing画儿huàr (26.s)
drawing room (room for arriving guests)客厅kè tīng (22)
to drinkhē (8)
to drink a toast干杯gān bēi (27)
to drive a car开车kāi chē (23)
driver司机sī jī (41)
druggist药剂士yào jì shì (46.s)
dumpling饺子jiǎo zi (46)
(the duration of) time时间shí jiān (31)


eachgè (43)
eachměi (18)
each other互相hù xiāng (15)
ear耳朵ěr duo (32)
earlyzǎo (26)
to earnzhèng (35)
east东边dōng biān (38)
eastern part东边dōng biān (38)
easy容易róng yì (26)
to eatchī (18)
edgebiān (44)
eightbā (11)
elder brother哥哥gē ge (3)
to elect选举xuǎn jǔ (39)
elephantxiàng (45)
elsehái (15)
embassy大使馆dà shǐ guǎn (27)
emissary使者shǐ zhě (45)
emperor皇帝huáng dì (41)
Emperor Chongzhen崇祯Chóng zhēn (41.p)
to end upliǎo (42)
engineer工程师gōng chéng shī (14.s)
English (language)英语Yīng yǔ (12)
English surname, Brown布朗Bù lǎng (21.p)
enoughgòu (43)
to enrich丰富fēng fù (47)
to enterjìn (8)
to enter进来jìn lái (26.s)
enthusiastic热烈rè liè (40)
enthusiastic热情rè qíng (30)
entrance门口mén kǒu (41)
envelope信封xìn fēng (34)
envoy使者shǐ zhě (45)
"-er than"bǐ (28)
to erectlì (33)
Europe欧洲ōu zhōu (7.s)
evengèng (21)
even ...连...也...lián ... yě ... (49)
eveningwǎn (25)
evening晚上wǎn shang (16)
everygè (43)
everyměi (18)
everybody大家dà jiā (27)
examination考试kǎo shì (35)
to examine by fluoroscope透视tòu shì (32)
exceedingly极了jí le (40)
except除了...以外chú le ... yǐ wài (47)
excited激动jī dòng (40)
exercise练习liàn xí (24)
to exercise (oneself)运动yùn dòng (40)
exercise-book本子běn zi (11.s, 13.s)
exhausting辛苦xīn kǔ (31)
expensiveguì (36.s)
to explain讲解jiǎng jiě (47)
to express good wisheszhù (21)
to extendjiē (47)
extension分机fēn jī (23.s)
extremely非常fēi cháng (21)
extremely极了jí le (40)
eye眼睛yǎn jīng (32)


factory工厂gōng chǎng (23)
facultyxì (15)
fair公平gōng píng (28)
to fall illbìng (27.s)
to fall ill得病dé bìng (32)
familyjiā (14)
famous有名yǒu míng (26)
faryuǎn (30)
fastkuài (25)
fatféi (37)
fatpàng (37.s)
father爸爸bà ba (4)
father's younger brother叔叔shū shu (39)
to fearpà (33)
to feel觉得jué de (33)
feel anxiously着急zháo jí (35)
to feel embarrassed不好意思bù hǎo yì si (39)
to feel embarrassing (to do something)不好意思bù hǎo yì si (39)
to feel tiredlèi (43)
feeling感想gǎn xiǎng (47)
femalenǚ (12)
festivaljié (48)
festival节日jié rì (48)
fewshǎo (22)
(fig.) act in a way that defeats one's purpose南辕北辙nán yuán běi zhé (38.s)
(fig.) old people may still cherish high aspirations老骥伏枥,志在千里lǎo jì fú lì, zhì zài qiān lǐ (39)
(fig.) ruin the effect by adding what is superfluous画蛇添足huà shé tiān zú (36.s)
figure人物rén wù (44)
to filltián (32.s)
film电影diàn yǐng (17)
to finishwán (39)
to finish完成wán chéng (42)
firecracker爆竹bào zhú (48)
firstxiān (32)
first secretary一秘yí mì (27.s)
fishyú (25)
to fish with a hook and baitdiào (25)
fit合适hé shì (37)
fivewǔ (10)
flag旗子qí zi (40)
floorlóu (27)
flower花儿huār (21)
fluent流利liú lì (25.s)
fogwù (33.s)
folk song民歌mín gē (19)
to followgēn (17)
foodfàn (18)
food粮食liáng shi (48.s)
footjiǎo (36.s, 41)
football足球zú qiú (28)
forduì (39)
forgěi (14)
forwèi (27)
for因为yīn wei (48)
to forcebī (49)
forecast预报yù bào (33.s)
foreign country外国wài guó (45)
foreign language外语wài yǔ (9)
forever永远yǒng yuǎn (39)
to forgetwàng (29)
forgive me对不起duì bu qǐ (20.s)
formdān (34.s)
form (application form, etc.)biǎo (32)
formalities手续shǒu xù (31)
former residence故居gù jū (47)
to foster培养péi yǎng (47)
foursì (10)
Fragrance Hill (Park)香山Xiāng shān (33.p)
France法国Fǎ guó (6.s, 13.s)
free time空儿kòngr (20)
French (language)法语Fǎ yǔ (12)
fried cake炸糕zhá gāo (43)
friend朋友péng you (4)
friendly友好yǒu hǎo (23)
friendship友谊yǒu yì (27)
fromcóng (16)
fromlí (30)
front前边qián biān (22.s)
full name姓名xìng míng (34)
funny可笑kě xiào (45)


garden花园huā yuán (22)
gardens园林yuán lín (44)
General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC)中国民航Zhōng guó Mín háng (29.s)
gentleman先生xiān sheng (8.s, 12)
genuinezhēn (21)
Germany德国Dé guó (6.s)
to getná (32)
to get alongguò (30)
to get intoshàng (29)
to get married结婚jié hūn (20.s)
to get off (bus, etc.)xià (38)
to get onshàng (29)
to get someone angry气人qì rén (28)
to get someone annoyed气人qì rén (28)
to get upqǐ (18)
to get up起床qǐ chuáng (18)
gift礼物lǐ wù (21.s, 48)
girl姑娘gū niang (21)
to givegěi (14)
to givesòng (21)
to give advise (in study)辅导fǔ dǎo (20)
to give as a presentsòng (21)
to give change找钱zhǎo qián (36)
to give or have an injection打针dǎ zhēn (46)
given一定yī dìng (20)
glad高兴gāo xìng (21)
to godào (27)
to goqù (12)
to go (to a place)wǎng (38)
to go backhuí (17)
to go home to visit one's family探亲tàn qīn (44.s)
to go outchū (41)
to go to bed睡觉shuì jiào (18)
to go to work上班shàng bān (17.s)
goodhǎo (1)
good-looking好看hǎo kàn (21)
goodshuò (36)
to graduate毕业bì yè (44.s)
grain粮食liáng shi (48.s)
grammar语法yǔ fǎ (15)
gramophone record唱片chàng piàn (19.s)
grandma姥姥lǎo lao (46)
grandpa爷爷yé ye (42)
grape葡萄pú tao (19.s, 27)
grape wine葡萄酒pú táo jiǔ (27)
grasscǎo (44)
great伟大wěi dà (47)
Great Hall of the People人民大会堂Rén mín Dà huì táng (42.p)
the Great Wall长城Cháng chéng (7.p, 32.p)
green绿lǜ (16)
greenqīng (44)
green light绿灯lǜ dēng (43.s)
green tea绿茶lǜ chá (19.s)
greyhuī (37)
to growzhǒng (46)
gruelzhōu (43)
Guangzhou广州Guǎng zhōu (44.p)
Gubo (a personal name)古波Gǔ bō (1.p, 13.p)
guest客人kè ren (39)
guide讲解员jiǎng jiě yuán (41.s, 47)
guide向导xiàng dǎo (41)
Guo Moruo郭沫若Guō Mò ruò (26.p)


habit习惯xí guàn (33.s)
hair (on the human head)头发tóu fa (32.s)
halfbàn (17)
ham火腿huǒ tuǐ (25)
handshǒu (39.s, 46)
to handlebàn (28)
to hangdiào (41)
to hangguà (34)
happy高兴gāo xìng (21)
happy愉快yú kuài (39)
Happy New Year恭贺新禧gōng hè xīn xǐ (48)
hard辛苦xīn kǔ (31)
hard-working努力nǔ lì (29)
hare兔子tù zi (48)
hat帽子mào zi (28)
to haveyǒu (14)
to have a check-up检查jiǎn chá (32)
have a fever发烧fā shāo (46)
to have a good trip一路平安yí lù píng ān (29)
to have a holidy or vacation放假fàng jià (35)
to have a lookkàn (7)
to have a pleasant journey一路平安yí lù píng ān (29)
to have a reunion团聚tuán jù (48)
to have fun with玩儿wánr (23)
have notméi (14)
to have one's photo taken照相zhào xiàng (29)
to have something made to order定作dìng zuò (37)
haven't没有méi yǒu (23)
hetā (3)
headtóu (45)
head主任zhǔ rèn (39)
health健康jiàn kāng (27)
health身体shēn tǐ (29)
heartxīn (30)
heart心脏xīn zàng (32)
heaventiān (44)
heavyzhòng (42)
height个子gè zi (32.s)
to helpbāng (22)
to help帮助bāng zhù (22)
hen's egg鸡蛋jī dàn (25.s)
hertā (5)
here这儿zhèr (10.s, 16)
here's to干杯gān bēi (27)
heritage遗产yí chǎn (47)
heywèi (13)
hillshān (41)
himtā (3)
to hirejiào (29.s)
history历史lì shǐ (36)
to hold or attend a meeting开会kāi huì (31.s)
holiday节日jié rì (48)
homejiā (14)
hope希望xī wàng (31)
to hope希望xī wàng (31)
horsemǎ (38)
hospital医院yī yuàn (10.s, 46)
hotrè (33)
hotel旅馆lǚ guǎn (41.s)
hour小时xiǎo shí (31)
house房子fáng zi (22)
housejiā (14)
howduō (21)
how多么duō me (44)
how怎么zěn me (38)
how怎么样zěn me yàng (22)
how is it that...?怎么样zěn me yàng (22)
how many多少duō shao (10)
how manyjǐ (15)
how much多少duō shao (10)
how muchjǐ (15)
however可是kě shì (26)
the Huanghe (Yellow) River黄河Huáng Hé (7.p)
human excrement大便dà biàn (46.s)
hundredbǎi (33)
hungry饿è (43)
husband爱人ài ren (14)


Iwǒ (2)
I don't really deserve it不敢当bù gǎn dāng (15)
(I'm) sorry对不起duì bu qǐ (20.s, 41)
ice-lolly冰棍儿bīng gùn er (42)
ice-sucker冰棍儿bīng gùn er (42)
ideal理想lǐ xiǎng (26)
identical一样yí yàng (37)
idiom成语chéng yǔ (26)
if要是yào shì (41)
illnessbìng (27.s, 32)
immediately立刻lì kè (46)
the Imperial Palace故宫Gù gōng (41.p)
impressions感想gǎn xiǎng (47)
inzài (10)
in a low voice小声xiǎo shēng (46)
in a moment一会儿yí huìr (31.s)
in additionhái (15)
in all一共yí gòng (36)
in earnest认真rèn zhēn (24)
in front of前边qián biān (22.s)
in the future以后yǐ hòu (17)
in the past以前yǐ qián (17.s, 32)
to increase提高tí gāo (36)
injectionzhēn (46)
inside里边lǐ biān (22)
institute学院xué yuàn (9)
intelligent聪明cōng ming (39)
interesting有意思yǒu yì si (20)
(an interjection)ā (13)
(an interjection) hellowèi (13)
international国际guó jì (31)
to interpret翻译fān yì (26)
interpreter翻译fān yì (26)
(an interrogative particle)ma (2)
intersection路口lù kǒu (38.s)
to introduce介绍jiè shào (13)
invalid病人bìng rén (46.s)
ittā (44)
it doesn't matter没关系méi guān xi (20.s, 41)
it is nothing哪里nǎ li (25)
it is said that听说tīng shuō (41)
item节目jié mù (49.s)


jacket上衣shàng yī (16.s)
jadeyù (36)
Japan日本Rì běn (6.s, 21.p)
Jiangxi (name of a Chinese province)江西Jiāng xī (36.p)
jiaomáo (36)
Jingdezhen (name of a Chinese city)景德镇Jǐng dé zhèn (36.p)
job工作gōng zuò (14)
job活儿huór (42)
to judge裁判cái pàn (28)
jujube tree枣树zǎo shù (47)
to jumptiào (44)
justgāng (38)


to keep保持bǎo chí (40)
to kicktī (28)
to killshā (49)
kilogram (kg.)公斤gōng jīn (42.s)
kind亲切qīn qiè (43)
kindzhòng (36)
(a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing)太极拳tài jí quán (40)
kitchen厨房chú fáng (22)
to knock (at a door)qiāo (33)
to know了解liǎo jiě (26)
to know认识rèn shi (12)
to know知道zhī dao (20)
to know how tohuì (26)
knowledge知识zhī shi (32)
Korea朝鲜Cháo xiǎn (9.s)
Kunming Lake昆明湖Kūn míng Hú (44.p)


to labor劳动láo dòng (49)
laboratory实验室shí yàn shì (15.s)
to lackchà (17)
lady夫人fū ren (27)
lady女士nǚ shì (9.s)
lakehú (44)
lampdēng (34.s, 48)
landscape风景fēng jǐng (44)
landscape garden园林yuán lín (44)
lane胡同hú tòng (38.s)
language语言yǔ yán (31)
lanterndēng (48)
lantern灯笼dēng long (48)
the Lantern Festival元宵节Yuán xiāo Jié (48.s)
the Lantern Festival (15th of first month of the lunar calendar)灯节Dēng Jié (48.s)
last最後zuì hòu (50)
last (time)上次shàng cì (37)
last year去年qù nián (20.s, 30)
latewǎn (25)
lately最近zuì jìn (32)
later后来hòu lái (45)
later on以后yǐ hòu (17)
lateral旁边páng biān (22)
latrine厕所cè suǒ (10.s)
to laughxiào (30)
laughable可笑kě xiào (42.s)
lavatory厕所cè suǒ (10.s)
to lay (the table)bǎi (48)
leaf叶子yè zi (33)
leanshòu (37)
to learnxué (9)
to learn学习xué xí (9)
leastzuì (33)
to leavelí (30)
to leave离开lí kāi (29)
to leave a message留言liú yán (47)
to leave hospital出院chū yuàn (47.s)
to leave one's comments留言liú yán (47)
left左边zuǒ biān (22)
legtuǐ (45)
to lendjiè (15.s, 49)
length长短cháng duǎn (37)
lessonkè (17)
to letràng (19)
to let off firecrackers放爆竹fàng bào zhú (48)
letterxìn (14)
letter box信箱xìn xiāng (34.s)
to liberate解放jiě fàng (36)
library图书馆tú shū guǎn (15)
lid盖儿gàir (42)
to lietǎng (46)
life生活shēng huó (44.s, 47)
life生命shēng mìng (32)
lift offjiē (23)
lightdēng (34.s, 48)
lightliàng (43.s)
light refreshments点心diǎn xīn (24)
to like喜欢xǐ huan (19)
like this这样zhè yàng (32)
lineduì (28)
the line is busy (engaged)占线zhàn xiàn (23.s)
to line up排队pái duì (38)
lion狮子shī zi (42)
listdān (34.s)
to listentīng (19)
literature文学wén xué (26)
a little一点儿yī diǎnr (25)
littlexiǎo (22)
a little bit一下儿yí xiàr (11)
a little while一会儿yí huìr (31.s, 41)
a little while一下儿yí xiàr (11)
to liveguò (30)
to livehuó (47)
to live生活shēng huó (44.s, 47)
to livezhù (10)
livergān (32.s)
livinghuó (47)
local flavor风味fēng wèi (43)
local style风味fēng wèi (43)
longcháng (31)
Long Corridor长廊Cháng Láng (44.p)
Longevity Hill万寿山Wàn shòu Shān (44.p)
to lookkàn (7)
to look forzhǎo (16)
to look out当心dāng xīn (43.s)
looks样子yàng zi (45)
loose-fittingféi (37)
to losediū (41.s)
to loseshū (28)
a lot ofduō (18)
loud voice大声dà shēng (34)
to loveài (45)
lovely可爱kě ài (45)
LP唱片chàng piàn (19.s)
Lu Xun鲁迅Lǔ Xùn (26.p)
luggage行李xíng li (28)
lunch午饭wǔ fàn (28)
lunch room小吃店xiǎo chī diàn (43)
lungsfèi (32)
-lyde (34)


madam女士nǚ shì (9.s)
madame夫人fū ren (27)
Madame太太tài tai (8.s, 21)
magazine画报huà bào (11)
magazine杂志zá zhì (11.s, 15)
to mailjì (34)
mail box信箱xìn xiāng (34.s)
to make (a telephone call)打电话dǎ diàn huà (23)
to make (dumplings)bāo (46)
to make (money)zhèng (35)
to make it convenient for方便fāng biàn (42.s)
to make progress进步jìn bù (29)
to make up one's mind决定jué dìng (44)
to make use of利用lì yòng (35)
to make use ofyòng (11)
malenán (13)
Mali马里Mǎ lǐ (6.s)
man男子nán zǐ (40)
man of letters文学家wén xué jiā (47)
manager经理jīng lǐ (14.s)
manner样子yàng zi (45)
to manufacture生产shēng chǎn (36)
manyduō (18)
Maotai (a Chinese strong drink)茅台酒Máo tái jiǔ (27)
map地图dì tú (7)
marble pillar (ornamental column erected in front of palaces, tombs, etc.)华表huá biǎo (42)
mass群众qún zhòng (47.s)
master师傅shī fu (39.s)
master worker师傅shī fu (43)
match比赛bǐ sài (40)
matchsài (28)
material料子liào zi (37.s)
(maternal) grandmother姥姥lǎo lao (46)
may可能kě néng (46)
may可以kě yǐ (26)
May I ask your name?贵姓guì xìng (9)
May I ask...请问qǐng wèn (9)
maybe或者huò zhě (26)
mewǒ (2)
mealfàn (18)
meaning意思yì sī (39)
to measureliáng (32)
(a measure word (for poem))shǒu (33)
(a measure word for people)míng (40)
(measure word for persons)wèi (25)
(a measure word for ribbon)tiáo (16)
(measure word for textile or picture)fǔ (44)
(a measure word for things & clothes)jiàn (16)
(a measure word for vehicles)liàng (21.s, 37)
(a measure word use with "hat")dǐng (28)
(measure word)mǐ (37)
(a measure word)bǎ (22.s, 47)
(a measure word)bēi (19)
(a measure word)běn (15)
(a measure word)bǐ (50)
(a measure word)biàn (32)
(a measure word)cì (31)
(a measure word)diǎn (17)
(a measure word)dù (33.s)
(a measure word)fēn (17, 36)
(a measure word)fēng (34)
(a measure word)gè (15)
(a measure word)hú (36)
(a measure word)jiān (47)
(a measure word)kè (17)
(a measure word)kuài (36)
(a measure word)máo (36)
(a measure word)miǎo (40)
(a measure word)piān (47)
(a measure word)piān (46.s)
(a measure word)píng (19)
(a measure word)shù (21)
(a measure word)shuāng (28)
(a measure word)suì (20)
(a measure word)tào (36)
(a measure word)xiē (24)
(a measure word)zhāng (16)
(a measure word)zhī (19.s, 50)
(a measure word)zhòng (36)
(a measure word)zuò (44)
(a measure word, a set of something)tào (22.s)
(a measure word, bowl)wǎn (36)
(a measure word, centimetre)公分gōng fēn (37)
(a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.)zhī (45)
(a measure word, for sentences or lines of verse)jù (39)
(a measure word, page)yè (50)
(a measure word, use with plants)zhū (47)
medical department内科nèi kē (32)
medicineyào (46)
to meetjiàn (29)
to meet a person接人jiē rén (23)
to meet each other见面jiàn miàn (29)
menu菜单cài dān (43.s)
metremǐ (37)
middle中间zhōng jiān (22.s, 42)
midwinter隆冬lóng dōng (33)
military attache武官wǔ guān (27.s)
milk牛奶niú nǎi (8.s, 25.s, 43)
mindxīn (30)
mineral water矿泉水kuàng quán shuǐ (25)
minutefēn (17)
mirror镜子jìng zi (44)
miss小姐xiǎo jie (9.s, 19)
to missxiǎng (14)
mistwù (33.s)
mistake错误cuò wù (47.s)
(modal partical intenstifying preceding clause)le (13)
(a modal particle indicating polite suggestion)ba (21)
(modal particle)le (13)
(a modal particle)ā (17)
(a modal particle)ne (2)
(a modal particle)zhī (43)
model典型diǎn xíng (42)
modern现代xiàn dài (19)
modernization现代化xiàn dài huà (31)
moneyqián (35)
monthyuè (20)
Monument to the People's Heroes人民英雄纪念碑Rén mín Yīng xióng Jì niàn bēi (42.p)
morning上午shàng wǔ (18)
mostzuì (33)
mother妈妈mā ma (4)
mother母亲mǔ qin (44)
motorcycle摩托车mó tuō chē (41.s)
mountainshān (41)
mouthzuǐ (32.s)
to movebān (42.s)
to movedòng (42)
to move感动gǎn dòng (49)
movie电影diàn yǐng (17)
moving感动gǎn dòng (49)
Mr.先生xiān sheng (8.s, 12)
Mrs.夫人fū ren (27)
Mrs.太太tài tai (8.s, 21)
muchduō (18)
Museum of Chinese History中国历史博物馆Zhōng guó Lì shǐ Bó wù guǎn (42.p)
music音乐yīn yuè (19)
music, esp. folk music, for traditional instruments民乐mín yuè (49.s)
mustyào (19)
mutual互相hù xiāng (15)
mutually互相hù xiāng (15)


(name of a child)小冬Xiǎo dōng (42.p)
(name of a child)小红Xiǎo hóng (42.p)
(name of a city)广州Guǎng zhōu (44.p)
(name of a collection of prose poems)野草Yě cǎo (47.p)
(name of a collection of short stories)彷徨Páng huáng (47.p)
(name of a hill in Jingshan park)景山Jǐng shān (41.p)
name of a novel骆驼祥子Luò tuo xiáng zi (49.p)
(name of a novel), "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"三国演义Sān guó yǎn yì (44.p)
(name of a park in Beijing)景山公园Jǐng shān Gōng yuán (41.p)
name of a person藤野Téng yě (47.p)
(Name of a person)张华明Zhāng Huá míng (41.p)
(name of a person)陈毅Chén Yì (33.p)
(name of a person)达尼亚Dá ní yà (44.p)
(name of a person)老舍Lǎo Shě (49.p)
(name of a person)李自成Lǐ Zì chéng (41.p)
(name of a person)小兰Xiǎo lán (39.p)
(name of a person)张华光Zhāng Huá guāng (31.p)
(name of a place in Beijing)阜成门Fù chéng mén (47.p)
(name of a place in Beijing)西三条Xī sān tiáo (47.p)
(name of a place)万寿山Wàn shòu Shān (44.p)
(name of a street in Beijing)平安里Píng ān lǐ (38.p)
(name of a street in Beijing)三里河Sān lǐ hé (38.p)
(name of a street in Beijing)三里屯Sān lǐ tún (38.p)
(name of child)阳阳Yáng yang (48.p)
name of panda丽丽Lì lì (45.p)
(Name of person)豌豆赵Wān dòu Zhào (43.p)
Nanjing (city)南京Nán jīng (34.p)
National Art Gallery中国美术馆Zhōng guó Měi shù guǎn (50.p)
nativeběn (34)
nearjìn (44)
neat干净gān jing (21.s)
neat整齐zhěng qí (48)
neat and tidy干净gān jing (48)
needlezhēn (46)
neighbor邻居lín jū (39)
newxīn (15)
new term begins开学kāi xué (35)
new word生词shēng cí (15.s, 24)
New Year新年xīn nián (21.s, 48)
New Year (or Spring Festival) picture年画儿nián huàr (48)
New Year scrolls春联chūn lián (48)
New Year's Eve除夕chú xī (48.s)
New Year's Eve family dinner年夜饭nián yè fàn (48.s)
news新闻xīn wén (23)
newspaperbào (5.s, 15)
next week下星期xià xīng qī (37)
next year明年míng nián (20.s, 29)
nice and cold凉快liáng kuai (33.s)
nice and warm暖和nuǎn huó (33.s)
ninejiǔ (11)
noméi (14)
no没有méi yǒu (23)
no sooner ... than ...一...就...yī ... jiù ... (39)
normal正常zhèng cháng (32)
north北边běi biān (38.s, 47)
northern part北边běi biān (38.s, 47)
nose鼻子bí zi (32)
notbù (3)
notméi (14)
not没有méi yǒu (23)
not ... until...cái (41)
not bad不错bú cuò (25)
not only ..., but also ...不但...而且bú dàn ... ér qiě (49)
note-book本子běn zi (11.s, 13.s)
notebook本子běn zi (39)
novel小说xiǎo shuō (26.s, 41)
now现在xiàn zài (11)
nowadays现在xiàn zài (11)
numberhào (10)
number号码hào mǎ (23.s)
the number is engaged占线zhàn xiàn (23.s)
(a numeral-measure word) twoliǎ (26)
nurse护士hù shi (46.s)


o'clockdiǎn (17)
Oceania大洋周Dà yáng Zhōu (7.s)
ofde (5)
(of a play, movie, etc.) to begin开演kāi yǎn (49.s)
(of flowers) to open out开花儿kāi huār (33)
(of weather) fineqíng (33)
office办公室bàn gōng shì (47.s)
office worker职员zhí yuán (14.s)
oftencháng (12)
ohā (13)
...OK?ba (21)
oldjiù (16)
oldlǎo (31)
older sister姐姐jiě jie (14)
on上边shàng bian (22)
once morezài (25)
oneyī (10)
one of......之一... zhī yī (49)
(one's) surname isxìng (9)
onlyzhǐ (36)
only只有zhǐ yǒu (44)
only a short while agogāng (38)
only justcái (41)
to open打开dǎ kāi (50)
openkāi (21)
opera歌剧gē jù (26.s)
opportunity机会jī huì (35)
opposite对面duì miàn (22)
or还是hái shì (19)
or或者huò zhě (26)
or要不yào bu (37)
or else要不yào bu (37)
orange桔子jú zi (19)
orange juice桔子水jú zi shuǐ (19)
orangeade桔子水jú zi shuǐ (19)
orchid兰花lán huā (50)
ordinary mail平信píng xìn (34.s)
other别的bié de (43)
other people别人bié rén (36.s)
others别人bié rén (36.s)
otherwise要不yào bu (37)
ought to应该yīng gāi (26)
out of orderhuài (39.s)
outside面儿miànr (37)
outside外边wài biān (22.s, 23)
over上边shàng bian (22)
overcast sky阴天yīn tiān (33.s)
overcoat大衣dà yī (16.s)
overseas Chinese华侨huá qiáo (31)
oxen and horses牛马niú mǎ (47.s)


pageyè (50)
pagodatǎ (44)
painténg (46)
to painthuà (26.s, 36)
painting画儿huàr (26.s, 36)
pairshuāng (28)
Palanka (a personal name)帕兰卡Pà lán kǎ (1.p, 13.p)
panda熊猫xióng māo (45)
panda exhibition hall熊猫馆xióng māo guǎn (45)
paperzhǐ (5.s, 13)
parcel包裹bāo guǒ (34.s)
park公园gōng yuán (28.s, 33)
park园林yuán lín (44)
parking lot (for bicycles)存车处cún chē chù (43.s)
parlour客厅kè tīng (22)
to part分别fēn bié (29)
a particle (indicates accompanying action)zhe (34)
(a particle)de (34)
(a particle)guò (32)
particular一定yī dìng (20)
party舞会wǔ huì (20)
to pass away逝世shì shì (50)
to pass byguò (41)
passport护照hù zhào (31.s)
to pastetiē (48)
pastry点心diǎn xīn (24)
patient病人bìng rén (46.s)
pavilion亭子tíng zi (41)
to pay (money)jiāo (37)
pay a New Year call拜年bài nián (48)
to pay a visit参观cān guān (23)
to pay attention to注意zhù yì (29)
pea gruel豌豆粥wān dòu zhōu (43)
peasant农民nóng mín (24)
penbǐ (5.s, 13)
pencilbǐ (5.s, 13)
people群众qún zhòng (47.s)
people人民rén mín (26)
"the People's Daily"人民日报Rén mín Rì bào (23.s)
to performyǎn (49)
to perform演出yǎn chū (49)
performance演出yǎn chū (49)
performer演员yǎn yuán (49.s)
perhaps或者huò zhě (26)
personrén (6)
(a person's) name名字míng zi (13)
(a personal name)布朗Bù lǎng (21.p)
pharmacist药剂士yào jì shì (46.s)
phone call电话diàn huà (11.s)
photo照片zhào piàn (23)
photograph图片tú piàn (34)
photograph照片zhào piàn (21.s, 23)
a physical examination检查jiǎn chá (32)
pictorial画报huà bào (11)
picture画儿huàr (26.s, 36)
picture图片tú piàn (34)
picture照片zhào piàn (21.s, 23)
piecezhāng (16)
to placefàng (34)
place地方dì fang (32)
place (e.g. among winners)míng (40)
plane飞机fēi jī (29)
to plantzhǒng (46)
plate牌子pái zi (34)
platform主席台zhǔ xí tái (40)
to play玩儿wánr (23)
to playyǎn (49)
to play (string instruments)lā (31.s)
player运动员yùn dòng yuán (40)
pleasantly cool凉快liáng kuai (33.s)
pleaseqǐng (7)
please (do sth)qǐng (8)
plum blossom梅花méi huā (33)
plumppàng (37.s)
pneumonia肺炎fèi yán (32)
poemshī (33)
poem诗歌shī gē (26.s)
poetryshī (33)
to point atzhǐ (34)
(a point of) time时间shí jiān (31)
to point tozhǐ (34)
polite客气kè qi (8)
a polite form of address to a woman女士nǚ shì (9.s)
porcelain瓷器cí qì (36)
porridgezhōu (43)
(possessive particle)de (5)
possible可能kě néng (46)
possibly或者huò zhě (26)
to postjì (34)
post office邮局yóu jú (13.s, 34)
post-office box (P.O.B)信箱xìn xiāng (34.s)
postcard明信片míng xìn piàn (34)
pothú (36)
to practise练习liàn xí (24)
precious珍贵zhēn guì (45)
(a prefix indicating order)dì (31)
(a prefix)chū (48)
premier总理zǒng lǐ (50)
Premier Zhou周总理Zhōu Zǒng Lǐ (50.p)
to prepare准备zhǔn bèi (25)
(a preposition showing comparison)bǐ (28)
(a preposition)bǎ (46)
(a preposition)bèi (49)
(a preposition)jiào (49)
(a preposition)ràng (49)
prescription药方yào fāng (46.s)
present礼物lǐ wù (21.s, 48)
pretty漂亮piào liang (21)
pretty good不错bú cuò (25)
a previous (occasion)上次shàng cì (37)
price价钱jià qián (36.s)
probable可能kě néng (46)
problem问题wèn tí (18)
to produce生产shēng chǎn (36)
professor教授jiào shòu (13.s)
programme节目jié mù (49.s)
to progress进步jìn bù (29)
progress进步jìn bù (29)
(a pronoun)zhī (43)
propose a toast干杯gān bēi (27)
proverb成语chéng yǔ (26)
public公共gōng gòng (38)
a public park公园gōng yuán (28.s)
pupil小学生xiǎo xué shēng (27.s)
to pushtuī (43.s)
to putbǎi (48)
to putfàng (34)
to put forwardtí (43)
to put in order收拾shōu shi (48)
to put in order整理zhěng lǐ (22)
to put on穿chuān (16)
to put on a show演出yǎn chū (49)
to put somebody to trouble麻烦má fan (48)
to put upguà (34)


Qi Bai Shi (name of a person)齐白石Qí Bái shí (36.p)
a qualified worker师傅shī fu (39.s)
quality质量zhì liàng (36)
quarter (of an hour)kè (17)
question问题wèn tí (18)
(question particle)ne (2)
quite比较bǐ jiào (43)


rabbit兔子tù zi (48)
radio收音机shōu yīn jī (34.s)
radio (or wire-broadcasting) announcer广播员guǎng bō yuán (41.s)
to rain下雨xià yǔ (33)
rainyǔ (33)
raincoat雨衣yǔ yī (37.s)
to raise提高tí gāo (36)
to reachdào (27)
to readkàn (7)
to read aloudniàn (24)
(read, speak, etc.) loudly大声dà shēng (34)
reading room阅览室yuè lǎn shì (15)
realzhēn (21)
to realize实现shí xiàn (31)
receipt收据shōu jù (34.s)
to receiveshōu (34)
recently最近zuì jìn (32)
reception招待会zhāo dài huì (27)
to recognize认识rèn shi (12)
record记录jì lù (40)
to record录音lù yīn (46)
to record (sound, voice)录音lù yīn (31.s)
recording录音lù yīn (31.s, 46)
to recover恢复huī fù (47.s)
redhóng (19)
(red and green) traffic light红绿灯hóng lǜ dēng (38.s)
red autumnal leaves (of the maple, etc.)红叶hóng yè (33)
red lotus红莲hóng lián (50)
referee裁判cái pàn (28)
(reflexive pronoun)自己zì jǐ (30)
refreshments小吃xiǎo chī (43)
to regard aszuò (47)
to register (a letter, etc.)挂号guà hào (34)
register card挂号证guà hào zhèng (46.s)
regular正常zhèng cháng (32)
to relieve oneselfjiě (46.s)
to remainliú (39)
to rememberjì (39)
to reply回答huí dá (24)
representative代表dài biǎo (23)
to research研究yán jiū (26)
to resemblexiàng (21)
respectivelygè (43)
to rest休息xiū xi (18)
to rest assured放心fàng xīn (29)
restaurant饭馆fàn guǎn (43)
result成绩chéng jī (35)
to retain保持bǎo chí (40)
to retire退休tuì xiū (39)
to returnhuán (11)
to returnhuí (17)
to reunite团聚tuán jù (48)
to review复习fù xí (23)
rich丰富fēng fù (47)
to ride (a bicycle)qí (37)
ridiculous可笑kě xiào (42.s, 45)
right不错bú cuò (25)
rightduì (13)
right右边yòu biān (22.s)
right正确zhèng què (49)
right awayjiù (26)
...right?ba (21)
to riseqǐ (18)
riverhé (25)
roadlù (17, 31)
road马路mǎ lù (38)
rock石头shí tou (42)
room房间fáng jiān (22)
room屋子wū zi (48)
rostrum主席台zhǔ xí tái (40)
rulerchǐ (5.s)
to runpǎo (38)
rural areas农村nóng cūn (24)


sackdài (48.s)
sad难过nán guò (29)
same一样yí yàng (37)
to sayshuō (13)
to say good-bye再见zài jiàn (11)
scenery风景fēng jǐng (44)
scented tea花茶huā chá (19)
school学校xué xiào (31)
school opens开学kāi xué (35)
schoolboy小学生xiǎo xué shēng (27.s)
schoolgirl小学生xiǎo xué shēng (27.s)
schoolmate同学tóng xué (20)
seahǎi (42.s, 50)
seat座位zuò wèi (16.s, 38)
secondmiǎo (40)
a second timezài (25)
to seejiàn (29)
to seekàn (7)
to see (a doctor, etc.)看病kàn bìng (32)
to see (or walk) someone homesòng (30)
to see (someone) offsòng (30)
to see each other见面jiàn miàn (29)
to see someone off送行sòng xíng (29.s)
self自己zì jǐ (30)
to sellmài (49)
semester学期xué qī (35)
(a sentence particle used after a verb to show effect)de (25)
to separate分别fēn bié (29)
serious利害lì hai (46)
serious认真rèn zhēn (24)
to serve服务fú wù (43)
to serve asdāng (26)
settào (36)
to set off出发chū fā (23)
to set one's mind at rest放心fàng xīn (29)
sevenqī (11)
severaljǐ (15)
Shanghai上海Shàng hǎi (7.p, 31.p)
shetā (5)
shipchuán (29.s)
shirt衬衫chèn shān (16)
shoesxié (28)
shopdiàn (43)
shop商店shāng diàn (13)
shop assistant售货员shòu huò yuán (36)
shop assistant营业员yíng yè yuán (34)
shopkeeper掌柜zhǎng guì (49)
shortduǎn (37)
a short note条子tiáo zi (39.s)
short story小说xiǎo shuō (41)
should应该yīng gāi (26)
to shouthǎn (44)
show演出yǎn chū (49)
to shutguān (39.s, 46)
sidebiān (44)
side旁边páng biān (22)
signjī (33)
sign牌子pái zi (34)
silk fabric绸子chóu zi (37)
simple and unadorned简朴jiǎn pǔ (47)
to singchàng (19)
sir先生xiān sheng (8.s, 12)
to sitzuò (10)
situation情况qíng kuàng (35)
sixliù (11)
to skate滑冰huá bīng (28)
skates冰鞋bīng xié (28)
skating滑冰huá bīng (28)
skating boots冰鞋bīng xié (28)
to ski滑雪huá xuě (28.s)
skiing滑雪huá xuě (28.s)
skirt裙子qún zi (16)
to sleep睡觉shuì jiào (18)
a slip of paper条子tiáo zi (39.s)
slowmàn (25)
smallxiǎo (22)
(the smallest Chinese monetary unit)fēn (36)
to smile微笑wēi xiào (50)
to smilexiào (30)
to smoke吸烟xī yān (8)
snack小吃xiǎo chī (43)
snack bar小吃店xiǎo chī diàn (43)
snowxuě (33)
so所以suǒ yǐ (29)
so这么zhè me (42)
so这样zhè yàng (32)
socialism社会主义shè huì zhǔ yì (31)
society社会shè huì (49)
socks袜子wà zi (37.s)
to solo独唱dú chàng (49.s)
solo独唱dú chàng (49.s)
somexiē (24)
some (exist)有的yǒu de (34)
sometimes有时候yǒu shí hou (18)
son儿子ér zi (21.s, 48)
song歌儿gēr (19)
soprano女高音nǚ gāo yīn (49.s)
soreténg (46)
sortzhòng (36)
souptāng (25)
south南边nán biān (38)
South America南美洲Nán Měi Zhōu (7.s)
South Asia南亚Nán Yà (45.p)
southern part南边nán biān (38)
spare time空儿kòngr (20)
to speakjiǎng (38)
to speakshuō (13)
(speak) in whispers小声xiǎo shēng (46)
speciality专业zhuān yè (35)
specialized subject专业zhuān yè (35)
spectators观众guān zhòng (40)
to spend (money)huā (37)
to spend one's holidays度假dù jià (44.s)
spiritjiǔ (27)
spoken drama话剧huà jù (49)
spoken language口语kǒu yǔ (15)
to sport运动yùn dòng (28.s)
sport运动yùn dòng (40)
sports运动yùn dòng (28.s)
sports meet运动会yùn dòng huì (40)
sportsground操场cāo chǎng (40)
sportsman运动员yùn dòng yuán (40)
spring春天chūn tiān (33.s, 39)
Spring Festival春节Chūn Jié (48.p)
Spring Festivel couplets春联chūn lián (48)
squadbān (15.s, 20)
square广场guǎng chǎng (41)
square metre平方米píng fāng mǐ (42.s)
to squeezejǐ (41)
stadium体育场tǐ yù chǎng (28.s)
staff member职员zhí yuán (14.s)
stamp邮票yóu piào (13.s, 34)
to standlì (33)
to standzhàn (29)
to stand erect挺立tǐng lì (50)
to stand upright挺立tǐng lì (50)
to start开始kāi shǐ (27)
to start out出发chū fā (23)
stateguó (6)
state国家guó jiā (30)
state of affairs情况qíng kuàng (35)
stature个子gè zi (32.s)
stillgèng (21)
stillhái (15)
still aspires to gallop a thousand li老骥伏枥,志在千里lǎo jì fú lì, zhì zài qiān lǐ (39)
stockings袜子wà zi (37.s)
stomachwèi (32.s)
stone石头shí tou (42)
stool大便dà biàn (46.s)
to stoptíng (25)
storediàn (43)
store商店shāng diàn (13)
storey (a measure word)céng (10)
storied buildinglóu (27)
story故事gù shì (38)
story (of a building)céng (10)
stoutpàng (37.s)
to straighten up整理zhěng lǐ (22)
strange奇怪qí guài (35)
streetjiē (38.s)
street街道jiē dào (39)
street马路mǎ lù (38)
(structual particle)de (5)
(a structural particle)de (25)
student学生xué sheng (9)
a student who studies abroad留学生liú xué shēng (9)
studious努力nǔ lì (29)
to studyxué (9)
to study学习xué xí (9)
study (room)书房shū fáng (22)
subway地铁dì tiě (38.s)
to succeed成功chéng gōng (49)
such这么zhè me (42)
such这样zhè yàng (32)
sufficientgòu (43)
sugartáng (43)
to suggesttí (43)
suitable合适hé shì (37)
suitcase箱子xiāng zi (28)
summer夏天xià tiān (29)
Summer Palace颐和园Yí hé yuán (33.p)
summer vacation暑假shǔ jià (35)
the sun太阳tài yang (44)
Sunday星期日xīng qī rì (20)
sunglasses墨镜mò jìng (45)
supper晚饭wǎn fàn (26.s)
surely一定yī dìng (20)
a surnameWáng (8.p, 15.p)
surnamexìng (9)
surname and given name姓名xìng míng (34)
(a surname)Huáng (48.p)
(a surname)Zhào (31.p)
(a surname) LiLǐ (27.p)
surprised奇怪qí guài (35)
to surrender屈服qū fú (33)
to sweepsǎo (48)
sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour元宵yuán xiāo (43)
to swim游泳yóu yǒng (25)
switchboard总机zǒng jī (23.s)
synopsis (of a play or film)说明书shuō míng shū (49.s)


table桌子zhuō zi (22)
table tennis乒乓球pīng pāng qiú (28.s)
tabletspiān (46.s)
to tacklebàn (28)
tail尾巴wěi ba (47)
to takená (32)
to take (along)dài (38)
to take (somebody) forzuò (47)
to take a bath洗澡xǐ zǎo (22)
take a picture照相zhào xiàng (29)
to take a rest休息xiū xi (18)
to take a seatzuò (10)
to take afterxiàng (21)
to take awaybān (42.s)
to take care当心dāng xīn (43.s)
to take off起飞qǐ fēi (29)
to take part in参加cān jiā (20)
to take X-ray examination透视tòu shì (32)
to talkjiǎng (38)
to talktán (20.s, 26)
talkhuà (31)
tallgāo (37)
Tangshan (name of a Chinese city)唐山Táng shān (36.p)
(tape) recorder录音机lù yīn jī (46)
to tastecháng (27)
tasty好吃hǎo chī (43)
tautjǐn (29)
taxi出租汽车chū zū qì chē (38.s)
teachá (8)
tea service茶具chá jù (36)
tea set茶具chá jù (36)
to teachjiāo (15)
to teach (in a class)上课shàng kè (17)
teacher老师lǎo shī (6)
teacup茶碗chá wǎn (36)
teahouse茶馆chá guǎn (49)
teamduì (28)
teapot茶壶chá hú (36)
telegram电报diàn bào (34.s)
telephone电话diàn huà (11.s, 23)
telephone call电话diàn huà (23)
telephone exchange总机zǒng jī (23.s)
(telephone) extension分机fēn jī (23.s)
television电视diàn shì (23)
to tell告诉gào su (14)
tenshí (11)
ten thousandwàn (42)
term学期xué qī (35)
terminal point终点zhōng diǎn (38)
terminus终点zhōng diǎn (38)
terrible利害lì hai (46)
to testkǎo (35)
to test考试kǎo shì (35)
text课文kè wén (23)
thanbǐ (28)
to thank感谢gǎn xiè (21)
to thank谢谢xiè xie (8)
thatnà (5)
The (Beijing) Department Store百货大楼Bǎi huò Dà lóu (36.p)
The Beijing Iron and steel Engineering Institute钢铁学院Gāng tiě Xué yuàn (38.p)
to the highest (lowest) degreezuì (33)
"The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven"大闹天宫Dà nào tiān gōng (32.p)
theater剧场jù chǎng (16.s, 49)
theatre剧场jù chǎng (16.s)
them他们tā men (3)
there那儿nàr (10.s, 15)
there beyǒu (14)
there is no need to不用bù yòng (31.s)
(there is something) wrong withhuài (39.s)
therefore所以suǒ yǐ (29)
they他们tā men (3, 12)
they (refers to things, animals only)它们tā men (45)
thickhòu (36.s)
thinbáo (36)
thinshòu (37)
thing东西dōng xi (30)
thing事儿shìr (17)
to think觉得jué de (33)
to thinkxiǎng (14)
to think of怀念huái niàn (47)
thirstykě (43.s)
thiszhè (4)
this (one's own)běn (34)
this year今年jīn nián (20)
though虽然suī rán (39)
thoughtful周到zhōu dào (41)
thousandqiān (42)
threesān (10)
Tiananmen (Gate of Heavenly peace)天安门Tiān ān mén (34.p)
Tiananmen square天安门广场Tiān ān mén Guǎng chǎng (41.p)
ticketpiào (16)
ticket office售票处shòu piào chù (41.s)
ticket seller售票员shòu piào yuán (38)
tidy整齐zhěng qí (25.s, 48)
to tidy up收拾shōu shi (48)
tiger老虎lǎo hǔ (47)
tightjǐn (29)
tightshòu (37)
timecì (31)
time时候shí hou (18)
toduì (39)
togěi (14)
towèi (27)
to (in a score)bǐ (28)
to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.)dìng (36.s)
today今天jīn tiān (20)
together一起yì qǐ (17)
toilet厕所cè suǒ (10.s)
tomorrow明天míng tiān (23)
tootài (16)
tooyě (2)
too muchtài (16)
top上边shàng bian (22)
topcoat大衣dà yī (16.s)
to touch感动gǎn dòng (49)
to tour旅行lǚ xíng (29.s)
towardwàng (38)
townchéng (23)
tracejī (33)
trackjī (33)
trade贸易mào yì (44)
the traditional Chinese calendar夏历xià lì (48.s)
traffic signal红绿灯hóng lǜ dēng (38.s)
train火车huǒ chē (24)
(train) bound forwàng (38)
to translate翻译fān yì (26)
translator翻译fān yì (26)
to travel旅行lǚ xíng (29.s, 44)
treeshù (33)
trolleybus电车diàn chē (38)
trouble麻烦má fan (48)
troublesome麻烦má fan (48)
trousers裤子kù zi (16.s)
truezhēn (21)
to tryshì (27)
to turn a corner拐弯guǎi wān (38)
to turn intochéng (47)
to tutor辅导fǔ dǎo (20)
TV电视diàn shì (23)
twoèr (10)
twoliǎng (16)
typezhòng (36)
typical典型diǎn xíng (42)


umbrella雨伞yǔ sǎn (11.s)
umpire裁判cái pàn (28)
uncle大爷dà ye (38)
uncle叔叔shū shu (39)
under下边xià biān (22.s, 34)
the underground地铁dì tiě (38.s)
underneath下边xià biān (34)
to understanddǒng (24)
to understand了解liǎo jiě (26)
(a unit of length (=0.33 metre))chǐ (42.s)
the United States (of America)美国Měi guó (31.p)
the United States of America美国Měi guó (6.s)
university大学dà xué (31)
upper outer garment上衣shàng yī (16.s)
us我们wǒ men (6)
to use利用lì yòng (35)
to useyòng (11)


vacation假期jià qī (35)
valuable珍贵zhēn guì (45)
to vanishjué (33)
variousgè (43)
vegetablecài (25.s, 27)
vehiclechē (5)
verseshī (33)
veryhěn (2)
(vinyl) record唱片chàng piàn (19.s)
violin小提琴xiǎo tí qín (31.s)
visa签证qiān zhèng (28)
to visit (place or thing other than a person)参观cān guān (23)
to visit (thing, place or person)访问fǎng wèn (23)
visitor客人kè ren (39)
visitor's book留言簿liú yán bù (47)
volleyball排球pái qiú (28.s)


W.C.厕所cè suǒ (10.s)
to waitděng (17)
waiter服务员fú wù yuán (19)
waitress服务员fú wù yuán (19)
to walkzǒu (17)
wallqiáng (34)
Wang (proper name)Wáng (8.p, 15.p)
Wang Shuwen (personal name)王书文Wáng Shū wén (24.p)
to wantxiǎng (14)
to wantyào (19)
ward (of a hospital)病房bìng fáng (46)
wardrobe衣柜yī guì (39.s)
warm暖和nuǎn huó (33.s)
warm热烈rè liè (40)
to washxǐ (41)
a watchbiǎo (17.s)
to watchkàn (7)
watershuǐ (19)
waylù (17, 31)
we我们wǒ men (6)
we (including the person spoken to)咱们zán men (38)
to wear穿chuān (16)
to wear (e.g. cap, glasses, gloves)dài (45)
weather天气tiān qì (31)
week星期xīng qī (20)
to weepkū (30)
to welcome欢迎huān yíng (8)
wellhǎo (1)
well舒服shū fu (46)
well-known有名yǒu míng (26)
west西边xī biān (38.s, 41)
western part西边xī biān (38.s, 41)
(Western-style) suit西装xī zhuāng (37.s)
what多么duō me (44)
what多少duō shao (10)
what什么shén me (7)
what's your name?贵姓guì xìng (9)
where哪儿nǎr (10)
where there is a will, there is a way有志者事竟成yǒu zhì zhě shì jìng chéng (26)
whichnǎ (6)
while (doing)正在zhèng zài (23)
whitebái (16)
whoshéi (6)
wholequán (48)
why为什么wèi shén me (34)
why怎么zěn me (38)
widekuān (42)
wife爱人ài ren (14)
willyào (29)
to winyíng (28)
windfēng (33)
window窗户chuāng hu (22.s, 46)
window窗口chuāng kǒu (34)
winejiǔ (27)
winter冬天dōng tiān (28)
winter jasmine迎春花yíng chūn huā (50)
winter vacation寒假hán jià (35)
wish希望xī wàng (31)
to wish希望xī wàng (31)
to wishzhù (21)
wish somebody a Happy New Year拜年bài nián (48)
withgēn (17)
withhé (13)
with much toil辛苦xīn kǔ (31)
(wollen) sweater毛衣máo yī (37.s)
wordcí (24)
wordhuà (31)
to workgàn (42)
to work工作gōng zuò (14)
to work劳动láo dòng (49)
work工作gōng zuò (14)
work活儿huór (42)
worker工人gōng rén (23)
works (of literature and art)作品zuò pǐn (49)
workshop车间chē jiān (39)
the world世界shì jiè (50)
world世界shì jiè (7.s)
to wrapbāo (46)
(wrist) watchbiǎo (35)
to writexiě (14)
writer文学家wén xué jiā (47)
writer作家zuò jiā (26)
writing brushbǐ (5.s, 13)
writings文章wén zhāng (47)
wrongcuò (38)


yearnián (20, 48)
year (age)suì (20)
years oldsuì (20)
yesterday昨天zuó tiān (28)
to yield屈服qū fú (33)
you (formal)nín (8)
you (pl.)你们nǐ men (4)
you (sing.)nǐ (1)
you flatter me不敢当bù gǎn dāng (15)
(you have dialed the) wrong number打错了dǎ cuò le (23.s)
young年轻nián qīng (21)
young lady小姐xiǎo jie (19)
younger brother弟弟dì di (3)
younger sister妹妹mèi mei (14)
youth青年qīng nián (47)
yuankuài (36)


zerolíng (10, 36)
Zhou Enlai周恩来Zhōu En lái (50.p)
zoo动物园dòng wù yuán (45)

This vocabulary list is available at http://ktmatu.com/chinese/

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