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Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Paul Andrew Denisowski

This  licence  statement  and  copyright  notice   applies   to   the   CEDICT 
Chinese/English   Dictionary   file,   the   associated  documentation  file 
CEDICT.DOC, and any data files which are derived from them. 


Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of  these  files 
provided  this copyright notice and permission notice is distributed with all 
copies.  Any distribution of the files must take place  without  a  financial 
return, except a charge to cover the cost of the distribution medium. 

Permission is granted to make and distribute extracts or subsets of the CEDICT 
file under the same conditions applying to verbatim copies. 

Permission  is  granted  to  translate the English elements of the CEDICT file 
into other languages, and to make and distribute copies of those translations 
under the same conditions applying to verbatim copies. 


These files may be freely  used  by  individuals,  and  may  be  accessed  by 
software belonging to, or operated by, such individuals. 

The files, extracts from the files, and translations of the files must not be 
sold  as  part  of  any  commercial  software  package,   nor  must  they  be 
incorporated in any published dictionary or other  printed  document  without 
the specific permission of the copyright holder. 


Copyright  over  the  documents  covered  by  this statement is held by 
Paul Denisowski.
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